If motivation is like a fire that burns inside you, then it is the strangest fire there is.

It fluctuates randomly between smoldering ashes and an unstoppable inferno. The hotter it burns, the more fuel it creates for itself. Open a path that destroys all obstacles and…

Wait, what am I saying? I am describing a normal fire, not a strange one.

The oddity with the motivation is found elsewhere.

If you’re like most people, you want to get excited, inspired, and motivated to take action. Most people, however, don’t do that.

It’s clear why: deciding to feel motivated does nothing. If someone ordered you to do this, how would you respond?

For me, I would have a few questions:

Feeling motivated about what, exactly?

How should I do that?


These are key questions. Maybe you can answer them consciously. It is possible that you have a vision so clear that you cannot deny it. You know that it will fill you with satisfaction and reward you well.

But if you cannot answer it consciously, you must answer it unconsciously.

Too many people wait around, hoping for lightning to strike. One day they will find something and get motivated about it.

How will they be motivated then if they are not now?

If you’re not motivated by anything in particular, then that’s your goal. Get motivated, obsessed, with answering that question.

You may find it easy to become interested in what makes you tick. You can be curious about your curiosity, passionate about finding your passion, and motivated about finding your motivation.

Let this be the springboard for a new way of living. Think about the things that have excited you in the past. Doesn’t your life transform once you start exploring that? That is where you are now, on the cusp of a great revolution.

That’s your reward for motivating yourself. This is your reason why.

As for how to do it, think of it this way. Your conscious mind doesn’t have the answer, otherwise you would already know. So you need new ways of thinking to find it. In other words, the key is self-hypnosis.

There are different types of trances. You want one that will open your mind to all the possibilities. Break down your internal barriers and limitations. Transcend your normal thought patterns. Explore new mental horizons and stay open to what happens.

This is the state where you can ask what motivates you. You will also get an answer. Maybe not at first, but when your mind is ready to find something new, you will get what you need in time.

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