I was thinking about the joke about the mouse and the elephant crossing the bridge. About halfway there, the mouse said to the elephant: “We are making this bridge increase, are we not!” What a bold little mouse.

This is how we have to walk the world. We must be brave and know that we can charge anything. Not because we are so good. Not because we are so strong. No, because our God and Father is so strong.

There is a song for children that goes like this: My God is so great, so strong and so powerful, there is nothing that my God cannot do. In the beginning, God made everything, God simply spoke, and the world came into being. My God is so great and so strong and so powerful, there is nothing that my God cannot do!

And that’s our dad. There is nothing in the world that can stop it. Without power, without strength. The one who came closest was the fallen angel and Jesus placed him on the cross and pulled out the thorn. Yes, the devil no longer has a stinger. He’s caught in his last seizures.

Jesus knew it too and went on his way with the power of God. 13I am carrying you before the life-giving God and before Christ, who stood before Pontius Pilate and did not give an inch …

Jesus knew exactly what the plan was, but also how difficult it was going to be. But nothing stopped him from taking that path. He knew that his dad was stronger and more powerful than the most powerful person in the world at that stage. That is why Jesus was able to climb the mountain in front of him.

What mountain do you have in front of you? How steep and impossible does it seem? Well, there is someone who can help you get to the top. God must be a part of our lives so that He can help us fight every fight.

Since we started with animals, let’s learn more about them. Take an eagle. Look what he does with a snake. He does not face the snake while they are both on the ground. I suspect the eagle wouldn’t make it, because the snake is simply too fast.

So what does the eagle do? It catches the snake with its claws and flies high in the air. Up there the serpent has no power, because there is no ground under him. It can’t do anything to the eagle. He can’t help but fall and die when the eagle lets go of him and drops him.

That is what we must do with our problems. We must bring them all to God. Change the playing field – take your troubles to the place where the devil has already been defeated. Take all your problems to the strongest in the universe. For Him, that problem is as small as a mouse compared to an elephant.

May you feel God’s protection around you. May you always know that our God is the greatest. May you be as smart as a mouse. Not because you are so strong and intelligent, but because our God and his Son Jesus are on our side and will always help us.

Holy Scripture

1 timothy 6: 13-16


How big is your problem?

How big are your plans?

How big is your God?


Father, sometimes seizures just look and feel too big to deal with. I realize that I am too weak to deal with them myself. Now, I come to take refuge with you, because you will help me. All the way. Amen.

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