If you want to lose weight, natural fat burners are an ideal component to your weight loss program.

Here we will look at the best natural fat burners and appetite suppressants that you can use to lose weight fast.

Astragalus or Milk-Vetch

This is a basic herb in traditional Chinese medicine, and has been used for thousands of years as a chi protector. This herb will help you regain energy if you are tired and will boost the immune system. It is also said to curb the appetite.

Methyl Beta-Hydromethylbutyrate (metabolized leucine)

As the metabolized product of the amino acid leucine, beta-hydromethylbutyrate (known as HMB) has shown such promise as a fat burner and energy booster, NASA has been testing it on astronauts suffering from muscle loss. Weightlifters know that HMB works to define muscle and burn fat.

Coffee and Caffeine

Most of us know the obvious effects on our biochemistry, but more technically, caffeine is broken down by the liver into three metabolites (metabolic breakdown of a substance); namely, paraxanthin, theobromine and theophyllim.

Paraxanthine is related to fax oxidation, as well as the release of fatty acids and glycerol into the bloodstream.

Theobromine is a known vasodilator and therefore increases the flow of oxygen to the brain and muscles. Theophylline increases heart rate (a well-known effect of drinking coffee in the morning).

Conjugated linoleic acid

A well-known omega-6 unsaturated fatty acid, CLA is now known to suppress appetite.

In addition, CLA has also been shown to increase fat mobilization (from fat tissue) and help build muscle mass. Additionally, and of great interest, it appears that CLA may increase our production of prostaglandins, which in turn are linked to increased production of human growth hormone.


Dimethylglycine, or DMG commercially, is a basic amino acid found in animal and plant cells. However, our diets may not contain the correct elements to get enough of this protein. In the liver, it is partially metabolized to sulfur-adenosylmethionime or SAMe. SAMe is used by the body in the production of DNA and neurotransmitters.

DMG users believe that it helps to keep the mind awake, it generally helps complete oxygenation of cells with good lipid (fat) metabolism. Bodybuilders love this additive.


Fenugreek is a Mediterranean herb, which is also found in Asian cuisine. The seeds are used as a spice and contain mucilage (a soluble fiber). The mucilage is well known, when in the intestines, to form a gelatinous mass. This helps the formation of mass and, therefore, a good evacuation.

The content of the fenugreek seed, by binding to fatty acids, will reduce the absorption of fat. Also, because it creates a biomass in the stomach and intestines, it works to give you a feeling of satiety and is therefore a good appetite suppressant. This obviously promotes weight loss.

Check out part 2 of this article for more information on natural fat burners and appetite suppressants.

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