The supernatural world is woven into our real world reality. An example that is close to home is within my own culture. Among the Navajo tribe, we have our stories about the bogeyman, so to speak. Our bogeyman is known as the skinny walkers. Skinny walkers are known as evil individuals who change from human to evil who dresses in mostly coyote animal skins. They do bad mojo or magic to others they are jealous of. The basic reasons why all humans envy another person. Sometimes magic causes problems between the person such as losing a job or worse, losing his life.

I myself believe that I have come across some in my life. I can remember one night when my little sister and I were alone in high school. They told us when we were little not to be afraid because if we are they feel it and sometimes it terrifies us. Then, in the middle of the night, at the back door, we heard a scratch. First I think it’s our dog, Sammy, who’s scratching against the door, but the thing is. Sammy wasn’t even tall enough to reach almost to the top of the door, even if he was standing on his hind legs. So here Sammy cries and it is always a sign that if a dog cries, there is always something evil nearby. So, I prayed to my grandparents to protect us and every time I feel a sense of warmth and the skinny walker is gone.

There have been many contacts within our tribe when it came to lean walkers. Because of that, we have come to know that our supernatural selves are something to fear. Another is that if there are evil beings, there must be good beings to counteract it. In every culture there are supernatural beings, be they ghosts or sasquatch.

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