Network marketing is a simple and easy to understand process. But… while it’s easy to understand, it’s not easy to do. However, there are ways to ensure your success. If you follow the principles outlined below, you will not fail. First, we need to set the stage for your sure and rapid success in Network Marketing. Why does Network Marketing attract so many people? Freedom my friends; it’s about freedom. The universal dream of financial freedom is a powerful motivator. When we focus correctly, we draw creativity and energy from that dream, which increases our chances of success. Without focus, it can motivate us to make really dumb moves.

For example, far too many people launch into their new home-based network marketing business with a hope and a prayer. Let me be clear: hope and prayer are not considered smart trading or investing strategies. But, people will look at a network marketing company’s pay plan, read the testimonials from their “big guns” and say, “Wow, if I build just three legs of this plan, I’ll be making $36,295 per month. That’s the freedom baby… I’m going for it”. And the person trying to recruit them into the Company says, “Now you’re catching the vision… now your dream of financial freedom is on fire… I see you at the top.” In too many cases, the Company provides them with outdated marketing tools and they get little support from their upline. Still, full of anticipation of unexpected gains, they make the effort and hope their mailbox is overflowing with checks.

A month later, they’re still hopeful and willing to push themselves even harder…more calls, more emails, more meetings. Many of you have seen this movie. By the third month, the effort is still there, but with less enthusiasm. Now come the nagging questions: “Why isn’t this working?” “Have I been a victim of hype?” “Was I deceived about this opportunity?” Their thought reader: Why isn’t the program working for them?

Are they victims of the hype? Were they deceived? Have you heard of Due Diligence? If you’re thinking of owning your own business, it’s best to familiarize yourself with the term and learn to put it into practice on a regular basis. I bet you’ve heard this, too: “With our network marketing company, you’re in business for yourself, but not by yourself.” Face it folks, when it comes to building your Network Marketing business, don’t expect the Company to do it for you. Remember the saying: “If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.” And it starts with you asking enough questions to figure out exactly what you’re getting yourself into. Here is a partial list of network marketing due diligence questions:

– How long has the company been in business?

– What is the product line, or service provided?

– What is the uniqueness factor of the product/service?

– What is the market for the product/service?

– Does the product/service have mass appeal?

– Is the product/service the market leader?

– Is the product/service affordable for most people?

– What is your personal interest in the product/service? Are you personally enthusiastic about the product/service?

– Does the Company have a marketing system with a proven track record of success?

– What are the conversion statistics for the Company’s Marketing system?

– Can new distributors duplicate successful ones?

– Is there a way for new distributors to earn initial money with the system?

– What is the recommended monthly marketing budget for a new distributor?

– With that budget, how many new hires will bring you to a break-even position?

– Who are the main distributors of the Company?

– What are they doing to be successful?

etc etc etc

So, you have asked the above questions and agree with the answers. Now is the time for some critical questions to ask yourself: Is this business “right” for me? Do I feel good about joining this company? Can I financially do this right now? If you said “yes” to those three questions, then it’s time to do a little more homework and give yourself an edge that will ensure your success in Network Marketing. That edge is an internet marketing system separate from the online marketing company. network you join.

There are many systems available and they are easy to find. Just do a Google search with keywords like “network marketing internet,” “network marketing systems,” and “downline builders.” You won’t be surprised to learn that some of them are good and some are a complete waste of money and time. So, it’s time to focus on more due diligence questions. This time, you should be concentrating on the Network Marketing Internet Marketing System (NMIMS)… which claims it can turn your computer into an Internet vacuum machine that will suck up huge amounts of money from cyberspace. Before reaching for your credit card, you might want to ask a few questions about this all-powerful NMIMS. Such as:

– Was it developed by people with real experience in Network Marketing?

– Were you successful in Network Marketing?

– Will you have direct contact with them, by email or by phone?

– How difficult is it to learn the system?

– How much of your time will it take to use the system?

– Will the system be self-financing and/or make you money?

– Is it competitively priced?

– Will it double?

– How do you drive Internet traffic to the system?

– Do you have a professional lead capture page to convert that traffic into leads?

– Do you have a direct marketing website that counts, sells and closes?

– Do you have a strong email follow-up autoresponder series, which keeps your prospects interested in the system and hopefully your network marketing company?

If you’re comfortable with the answers you get to these NMIMS questions, then all I can say is:

– What are you waiting for?

– Will you find the perfect network marketing company?

– Will you find the perfect internet marketing system?

Of course not. But there are companies and systems around which you can build yourself a very good Internet-powered home-based business. You can work it part-time, for additional income; you can work it full time, for a career change.

And… when you put in the effort, money and time to follow the program above, you will not fail.

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