Babies start life with a blank page of endless opportunities. We should all be selective about the words we write in a child’s book of life. Will we write words of encouragement, love and compassion? Or will we blanket the pages with hate, limitation, and resentment?

Have you ever heard someone announce out loud that my son is a terrible two-year-old?

Zig Ziglar, motivational speaker and author, says, “Instead of saying the ‘terrible two,’ say it’s the Awesome Two, Awesome Three, Fantastic Four, Fab Five, Super Six, Super Seven. And guess what? where is his or her self-image because we believe that? That’s right, he or she will have a healthy self-image because that input has been applied and reinforced.”

Words have power! Always start by saying something positive to yourself and others.

How can you do this?

1) Take a second to stop and think before you speak.

2) Say something positive and motivating.

3) Tell them that you care about them, believe in them, and love them.

Choose your words wisely.

If the president of the company you work for came up and congratulated you with a smile on his face and said, “If you keep working like this, you’ll be president of the company one day!”

Would you be encouraged and inspired to work harder for your boss, the president of your company?

Of course you would!

Positive words of recognition, inspiration, and encouragement make better employees!

Jim Sundberg played for the Texas Rangers and later for the world champion Kansas City Royals as a catcher. When he was growing up in Fresno, California, his father would watch him play baseball and tell him, “One of these days, you’ll grow up to be a Major League Baseball player.”

Jim said, “My dad planted in my mind what I would be in the future.” He planted words of belief, hope, and care!

His father planted the seed in his mind when he was a child!

Jim Sundberg and Bill Glass, all football players and NFL stars, ran a prison ministry at one of the prisons. During a break, Jim told Bill, “You know, I’m really glad I didn’t grow up and let my dad down.” Nearby, a prisoner was standing near them and said, “Well, you know what? I really didn’t grow up and let my dad down. I’m exactly where he said he was going to be.”

When Jim Sundberg was a boy, his father planted the seed in his mind that he would be a great baseball player.

The prisoner’s father when he was a child planted in his mind what he would become.

Your words have power. Choose them carefully!

How can you choose your words wisely?

1) Take a second and stop and think carefully before you speak!

2) Say something positive and motivating.

3) Tell them that you care about them and love them.

Plant good seeds of hope and positive words of encouragement.!

Thomas Edison at age 7 was a poor student in school and was called “confused” by the teacher. (Scrambled) his mother was a training teacher and she decided to take him out of school to teach him at home. Lady. Edison changed the image of how Thomas saw himself!

Many years later, Thomas Edison said: “My mother was the one who raised me. She was so faithful, so sure of me, and I felt that I had someone to live for, someone I must not disappoint.”

Plant positive words (seeds) of success in your children, your students, your family members and your employees and they will work harder and happier for you!

A positive word of encouragement can help change anyone’s destiny.

Choose your words “wisely”.

my favorite saying is “every student is a gem in the rough.” Start with that thought and work with your students. Believe that each of your students, on the first day of class, wants to learn your course and wants to learn.

As a teacher, my greatest joy is to see a student realize their potential and work towards their goal. One day, I received a call from the mother of a high school student. She said, “My husband’s employer recommended him as a violin teacher for my son. I would prefer a man teach him, but I’ll try.” My son is lazy and stupid..”

I replied, “Please don’t talk about your son like that in front of him or others.”

I agreed to teach her son, if she would say “only words of encouragement.”

At our first violin lesson, a young man with multicolored hair, an earring, and strange-looking clothes walked into the room. He had his head down and looked unhappy.

We started working on the scales, his solo piece, and the orchestra audition materials for the state orchestra auditions. He was an extraordinarily talented young violinist and I told him so during our first lesson and every lesson that followed. My honest and heartfelt words to him inspired and motivated him to do his best work.

At his next violin lesson, a completely different young man eagerly approached my classroom. He had his head up, wore a smile, and was well dressed. Because he was investing in him and his potential, he began to take pride in himself and his work. Every week I saw a transformation in him.

It was our fifth week of lessons, our last lesson before auditions for the state orchestra. I told him how beautiful his playing was and what a great job he would do at the audition. Preparation makes all the difference! “The honest and sincere words I spoke to him made him bloom like a flower.”

A few days after the audition, he called and said with great pride and a smile in his voice, “I’m the concertmaster of the orchestra. I won first place out of more than 40 people who applied.”

I congratulated him and told him how proud I was of him and that I knew he would win because of his “hard work and determination.” His Mother called and said: “Even though you are a woman, you did a good job with him!”

The image that this young man had of himself had changed. Due to the positive inspirational words of encouragement, I gave weekly, and his hard work he began to believe in his abilities! He graduated from high school at the top of his class and went to college.

The image of how you see yourself is so important!

Words have power.

Many years ago, I received a call from a mother with a 6-year-old boy who was failing first grade. She said that he is “lazy and stupid”. I immediately asked him not to tell him that anymore. She should tell him “positive and encouraging things”!

She brought him over with the violin she had rented and I smiled at her and taught her how to hold the violin and bow, how to read the musical notes on the sheet music and where to put her fingers on the violin to play her first piece. of music. Every step of the way I told her what a great job she was doing. I told him that he was a smart and intelligent young man.

I asked her mom what usually happens after school. She said, “she plays video games and watches TV.”

I said, “Tell her to practice her violin for twenty minutes after school and then do her homework with Mozart’s Symphonies played softly in the background.

After completing your work, you can play a video game or watch TV for 20 minutes.

Each week he gained self-confidence as he practiced his violin every day, took violin lessons, and got better at his school work. He started bringing his spelling words for his tests to his violin lesson to go over the most difficult words on his list. We would incorporate them into his violin lesson. Every week he would tell her how well he was playing and his smile would light up the room. After three months, his mom said that he is becoming a wonderful student! After a year, he was the most positive, motivated, handsome, and happy young man looking forward to second grade.

What 3 things can you do to say positive words to others?

1) Take a second to stop and think before you speak.

2) Say something positive and motivating.

3) Tell them that you care about them and love them.

The image of how you see yourself is so important!

Words have power. Think before you say something to another person. Make sure that the words you speak to others make them feel appreciated and valued.

Always say something positive and uplifting to others.

Words of praise last a lifetime and so do negative words.

What words would motivate you to work harder?

Positive words of encouragement!

Back off before you speak and choose your words carefully!

Choose words that are positive and uplifting! Show respect and love!

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