Many people make the mistake of trying to get too many seasons out of their vinyl liner. In an attempt to put off the expense of a pool renovation, you may end up paying more in the long run. If your liner is constantly leaking water, which is the leading cause of liner replacement, you are wasting money every day. As the pool leaks, it takes with it money spent on heating and water chemicals. Even for a season or two, this additional cost would pay for most of the new siding.

A new vinyl pool liner will save you even more money when you consider that a dark patterned vinyl liner will absorb the sun’s heat much more easily than an old sun-faded or light-colored liner. These two points alone should be enough for you to consider replacing your vinyl liner sooner rather than later, and we haven’t even factored in the time spent maintaining a leaky pool or the cost of additional damage that can occur as a result. of old and unreliable pool liners. .

As the pool liner ages, it loses its electricity and shrinks overall. This can put considerable pressure on the cap rail, the liner retainer, which may not yet need to be replaced. By exposing the coping to unnecessary stress, you can drastically shorten its expected lifespan. If you ultimately need to replace your pool coping as a result of liner damage, it can cost anywhere from $1500 for an easy deck mounted coping or $25,000 or more for a wall mounted coping that has been re-lined by a concrete deck. spill.

The type of liner you buy depends entirely on the type of pool you have. Above ground pools almost uniformly use 20mm thick vinyl liners, while inground pools typically have a 27mm liner. The 27mm liner is considered the same as a 30mm liner, with the only difference being the terminology. Both liners are 27mm, but have been conversationally rounded down to 30mm. 40mm liners are available as an upgrade for in-ground pools but are not a good investment for the same reasons that 27mm liners are not suitable for above ground pools. The cap rail for above ground pools is designed to accommodate the weight of a 20mm liner. Similarly, the vinyl in-ground pool coping is designed to support the weight of a 27mm liner. The benefit of a thicker liner is offset by the additional wear it will cause to the coping. A 27mm liner, when properly maintained, can last over 20 years and is the best overall cost effective option for vinyl liner in-ground pools.

The type of vinyl siding you buy will largely depend on your budget. There are new direct online wholesale sources for buying vinyl siding, however, the quality of these sidings is highly suspect and the lack of a storefront operation can make small siding problems turn into big product problems. coating.

When installing a new vinyl liner on your pool, there is a risk. The risk is that the pool is not designed to remain empty and may experience structural failure if exposed to rain, snow, ice, groundwater, or changing ground conditions. When you replace a vinyl liner on a pool, you want to make sure the liner is measured correctly and the pool is only empty for a day or two. This will mitigate the risk to the pool structure. Ordering a liner online can take weeks to ship for them to remake if there is a manufacturing or shipping error. In this period of time, you could see your pool collapse in on itself.

Hiring a professional liner installer will also help reduce risk to you and your pool. Siding installers have access to the highest quality vinyl siding and are the most prepared to handle any situation that suddenly arises. A professional siding installer can modify or redo a siding in as little as 2-3 days because they have a vendor they can go directly to for help.

The cost of a vinyl liner will largely depend on whether it is high quality or low quality, as well as the size and shape of your pool. A low-quality wholesale liner can cost between $1,000 and $2,200, while a higher quality liner would cost between $2,300 and $4,000. Installing a liner will cost between $100 and $2,000 with an average installation cost. approximately $1,000 siding. The siding installation industry has a reputation for moonlighting and low-skilled installers, so this is definitely an industry to watch out for low prices.

For a complete installation of 27mm in-ground vinyl siding with full embossing and edging, you can expect to pay:

$2500-$3000 for a 16×32′ pool

$3000-$3700 for an 18×36′ pool

$3900-$4700 for a 20×40′ pool

Be sure to check the condition of the pool’s plumbing systems, coping, skimmer, deck, walls and floor before installing a new vinyl liner. These items should be able to last as long as the new liner, which can be 10 years or more for an above ground pool and 20 years or more for an indoor vinyl liner pool.

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