Hello? Hello? can you hear me now?

If you’re talking to that inner voice, no.

It’s me again and I’m here to give you another chance to put a positive word in your ear. I have been wondering how I can continue to speak to you from behind a closed comfort zone and allow others to feel comfortable letting life happen. I’ve tried to find the best answer I have, but I can’t. Everyone in life is different. That’s the outline of the diversity coloring sheet and if you haven’t noticed, the world is as diverse as anything can be. People may be sitting in the same room reading the same passage as you, but they all have different backgrounds and will return to their possible lives, but if all they’re doing is receding into the background, there’s no good news to look forward to. .

“st happens.”

Yes, that’s a quote everyone knows from experience, but it’s what you do after unfortunate circumstances that keep you in control. You cannot allow the opinions that others have of you or your beliefs to change the way you feel about your own beliefs and morals. For example, if people talk badly about you or your friends, remember to raise your voice so they can hear you. Let them know that they may not like you, but that you will respect them and that you will not tolerate such “grown-up” behavior. Remember “to have a true friend, you must first be a true friend.” No one wants a friend they can’t trust.

Another example, don’t be afraid to speak up in class. Teachers already have a stereotype about you, so prove them wrong. Read the material, take good notes and visit their office hours! Also, during class, everyone is waiting for that single statement that will drive the point home, and maybe that statement is coming from you. Some people are so overwhelmed with what the world is throwing at them that they get lost in the shuffle and hang back and let things happen, don’t.

Stand up for yourself and what you know is right. Make a name for yourself as someone who is willing to take a chance and speak up when everyone else has lost their voice. Don’t be afraid to make your voice count. Don’t lose your voice.

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