I have had thirty-five years of standard poodles. Bernie, Sidney, Anni and now Charley! Standard Poodles are an excellent breed, wonderful for families and a good companion for singles or couples.

The dog that we know today as the standard poodle was originally a German dog, a water retriever called “pudelin”, which means “splash in water.” The French used these water dogs in their properties and trimmed their coats in a watery-dynamic way to protect the dog’s joints and vital body parts from prolonged exposure to cold water. Later, when Poodles became a breed and show dog, the cut became extreme and much of the dog’s visual lineage was lost.

I never really did any training with the poodles that I had. In my own experience, they learn a lot by being with us. If we didn’t like the puppy peeing on the floor, it was a few words out loud and then outside. A couple of experiences of that and the cubs knew where to go. Standard Poodles are very reactive, they can see what you are thinking. A very notable vet in Connecticut told me that poodles actually are. an ancient dog, whose brain circuits and anatomy go back to Egypt. I cannot corroborate this, however this has been evidenced in my own relationship to the Standards that I have sometimes been in situations where I was glad to have a protector in the house or someone I had to deal with at the front door when my husband was away. Basically this is empirical knowledge, just based on my life and the lives of the poodles I have had in my life. I just wanted to say a good word, for all of them …..

Today, the Standard Poodle is still a good breed that can make a wonderful friend to a single person, a couple, or a family. I fully endorse this breed and hope if you are looking for a dog that you will consider the standard poodle.

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