Binge eating at holidays and other special family gatherings isn’t really good for your diet. But sometimes you can’t help but indulge. Events like Christmas or Thanksgiving are traditionally celebrated with mountains of food. Naturally, you will be forced to dig in and share the prepared food with your loved ones and friends.

As a result, some people consume more calories than they should and eat types of foods that they promised not to have. If not acted upon immediately, this could make it difficult for the person to return to the old routine or to go off the diet altogether.

So if you find yourself in that situation, you need to know how to recover from the occasion. Your goal is to recover from not only all the greasy food you ate, but also the alcohol you probably drank too much of during the party.

First, you need to stop hating yourself for what happened. In fact, recognize that it’s something you might face again, because things like Thanksgiving or other holiday celebrations come around year after year. So the best way to deal with it is to be prepared, rather than telling yourself that you shouldn’t have enjoyed the celebration (which, as we all know, is impossible).

Have breakfast in the morning. It is a good way to counteract a hangover. If you’re still feeling full from the night before, make sure you have something. After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You can try a fruit smoothie, if that’s the case.

After that, think about going back to your diet. Your first short-term goal is to make up for all the fat you accumulated at the last party. Reduce your daily intake by at least 200 and up to 500 calories for the following days. Combine this with lots of exercise too. It’s better to work on this as soon as possible, rather than waiting for the entire Christmas season to end, which will have shown itself by then. This could discourage you even more.

Don’t forget to stay hydrated. Drinking water is just as important as eating the right foods at this time of recovery. Be sure to keep drinking water to eight to ten glasses a day.

If you haven’t already, be sure to record your daily diet in a journal. This will help you keep track of what you’ve accomplished since that fateful night of binge eating. You will also be able to know when you should decide to make changes or improvements to your lifestyle.

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of sleep. You’re having so much fun on vacation that you probably don’t know you’re getting tired of all the partying. Take a breather from time to time so your body can recover from all the excitement.

It’s never wrong to let go sometimes. After all, life is too short to miss important celebrations for the sake of your diet. You just need to know how to tackle them so you don’t get completely loose.

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