Wondering if what you have under your belt is a yeast infection? These are some of the symptoms of a yeast infection on the penis:

– Cracked and sore skin over the head of the penis
– Download
– Smell of yeast
– white spots
– Blisters on the head of the penis
– Burning sensation when urinating (feeling similar to a bladder infection)

Chances are, if you’ve seen any of these symptoms, you’ve already been or are going to see your doctor to see what’s going on. Your doctor will give you a quick swab test and will be able to determine if you have a yeast infection or a more serious problem, such as an STI or STD.

Then you find out you have a yeast infection. How did this happen to you? Most likely you have had sex with an infected partner (vaginal or anal – yeast infections can occur in both areas of the body!). If you are diabetic, this can contribute to or even cause the problem as your body secretes more sugars that feed the fungus that causes the infection. If you have been taking steroids or antibiotics to try to cure another ailment, this can also lead to a yeast infection. In some lesser known cases, an intestinal yeast overgrowth can also lead to a penile yeast infection.

Treating a male yeast infection, fortunately, is a fairly easy process. Antifungal creams and ointments (Monistat, Canesten, Femstat-3) are popular options. You also have the option of taking a prescription pill, such as Diflucan, to help resolve the problem. If you’re interested in more natural remedies, look for yogurt with probiotics or active cultures and garlic at the grocery store. You can also visit your naturopathic store for other treatment options, such as diluted tea tree oil, boric acid, and apple cider vinegar.

It is also going to be very important to keep the head of your penis as dry and clean as possible. After each shower, use a separate hand towel or face cloth to thoroughly cleanse and then completely dry the head of your penis (pay special attention to keeping the area free of moisture if you are uncircumcised). Limit or refrain from eating sugary and yeasty foods, including alcohol (particularly beer), and wear looser men’s underwear, such as boxers, rather than briefs. Practice these steps and you should find that your yeast infection clears up in as little as 48 hours.

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