There is a new area of ​​your body that you can now become self-conscious about, ladies: do you have banana rolls? With celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Nicki Minaj flaunting their famous derrieres, the search for a perfect butt has increased visits to plastic clinics for a procedure called banana roll liposuction.

But what exactly is behind that name? The term “banana roll” refers to the accumulation of fat in the lower buttocks, just below the gluteal crease and just above the back of the thigh. The heavier the bottom, the bigger the banana-like roll of fat that forms. However, even slim women can have them! Like saddlebags and muffin lids, banana rolls are genetically determined and therefore difficult to eliminate with exercise and diet alone.

Banana roll liposuction is a localized liposuction performed using a thin cannula to target these stubborn fat deposits and improve both the size and shape of the buttocks. It is not surprising that the procedure is becoming more and more requested, since the tendency to accumulate fat in this area is hereditary, so it is often resistant to diet and exercise.

The goal of doing banana roll liposuction is to create more definition between the buttocks and upper thighs. It is common to perform a fat transplant from the upper thighs to the buttocks at the same time. Ideally, the results would be slimmer thighs and buttock lift, making your butt more perky and better defined.

However, some women who have had the procedure are disappointed. The results are not permanent. You are supposed to exercise to firm your glute muscles. Instead of promised smoother skin, various bumps and bumps can appear.

Banana roll liposuction is not without potential problems and, as with all cosmetic procedures that involve surgery, there is always the possibility of complications. When it comes to this type of liposuction, less is more! Over-treating the area can produce less than desirable results and actually leave you with a saggy buttock.

This is why banana roll liposuction is said to be as much the holy grail of liposuction as it is a double sword. Too aggressive liposuction in the area can loosen the connective tissue that supports the buttocks. In the worst case, collapse of the buttock can occur (and yes, that’s a term for a real medical condition).

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