To help you write your next article, I am going to go through the process of writing my article. The main purpose of article writing is to generate as much traffic as possible to the site. When a visitor comes to my site, I want them to read the content of the page and sign up for the list.

When someone reads an article, they must feel that the content is very interesting. They should feel like they got a lot of useful information. It is also important that they want more.

So if we were in the weight loss niche, one of the first things to do is write a list of topics that people who want to lose weight would want to know about weight loss.

Here is an example:

– What foods will allow you to lose weight?

– What foods should be avoided completely?

– What kinds of food should I eat in social settings?

– What foods should you eat to snack on?

– What should you do if you leave the program?

One of the things to keep in mind about the above is that they are all topics related to weight loss in general and diet in particular.

Let’s create another list of topics focused on another weight loss subtopic.

– How often should you exercise to lose weight?

– Do you really need to warm up before you start?

– What type of exercise will work best for weight loss?

– What are the best exercises to flatten the stomach?

As you write this list of weight loss related subtopics, you won’t come up with ideas for writing.

Next, it’s time to take one of the topics and write a 400-word article specifically on that topic.

Divide your article into three, the introduction, the body and the conclusion. The introduction can consist of 3 to 5 sentences. The conclusion, perhaps 2-3 and the body of the article, 4-5 paragraphs discussing specific ideas in detail. Remember to insert the main keyword in various places in the article. An insert at the beginning, in the main body and at the end of the article will suffice. These inserts should not make the content awkward or difficult to read and understand. If you find it difficult to insert keywords, delete them.

At the end of the article, you should insert your call to action and your bio. A sentence or two about your experience or qualification would not hurt here either.

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