Shoveling snow is a reality of winter for many people around the world. There is a lot of information available on proper body mechanics to avoid back injuries when shoveling snow. But unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of helpful advice for anyone recovering from tennis elbow and there are a few things to know before you grab your paddle and head out. So, if you’re recovering from tennis elbow and have no other options to clear your sidewalk or driveway, keep reading!

First of all, shoveling snow is a strenuous activity, so make sure your back, heart, and arms are up to the task before you even consider shoveling the sidewalk. Warm up your muscles before you start. Specifically with tennis elbow, it’s important to do forearm stretches. Holding your arm in front of you, palm down, place your other hand on the back of your hand and apply gentle pressure, bending your wrist toward the floor, stretching your forearm extensor muscles. Hold this position for up to 30 seconds and repeat 3 times. Now rotate your outstretched arm so that the palm of your hand is facing up and apply pressure across the palm with the other hand, bending the wrist back towards the floor and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times. These stretches are also good to do when you’re done shoveling.

Now, let’s take a look at the blades. The lighter the paddle, the less stress on your arm and back. Curved handles help keep your back straighter, allowing you to generate power through your legs and core. There are also paddles that have a “U” shaped handle, which allows you to push the show, using both arms equally, thus distributing the force between both arms. With tennis elbow, it’s important to keep your elbows bent and as close to your body as possible. This reduces the stress on your elbows compared to pushing the paddle with your elbows straight. Also, keep your grip light. The lighter the grip, the less stress on the elbow.

Take small shovels when shoveling, especially if the snow is wet and heavy. Divide the work into small sections and take frequent breaks, doing some forearm stretches. If you have a forearm strap or band, use it when shoveling. Remember to keep your core strong, engaging your shoulder and shoulder blade muscles, which are larger and stronger than your forearm muscles.

One thing you will NEVER want to do is crush the ice. This is extremely aggravating to the elbow. The forceful actions of grabbing, lifting, and shaking are a deadly combination if you have tennis elbow.

When you’re done shoveling, if you have any pain in your elbow, apply a cold pack or put some snow in a sachet, wrapped in a pillowcase, on your elbow for 8-10 minutes. This helps decrease inflammation. Remember to listen to your body and respect what it tells you!

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