A breakup is not always the end of a relationship, there are many people who got together with their ex because the emotions invested in the relationship cannot simply go away with a broken relationship. How would you know if your ex wants you back, especially if he isn’t honest with her feelings? These helpful tips will guide you.

Your ex keeps calling you

When your ex calls you for no particular reason and always finds excuses to get in touch, it says a lot about his feelings and intentions. An ex who wants to move on will not make such attempts to make contact.

Your ex asks about you

Your ex asks your best friend about you, he is looking at you to see if you are dating or still single. This is a great sign that your ex is interested in you and wants to know if you are available.

he/she is confused

Your ex wants you back but at the same time tries to ignore his true feelings for you. He/she is facing these conflicting thoughts, but this is a positive sign as he/she is still thinking about you but he/she is not ready to admit her/his love for you. It shows that in time they will be ready to come back to you.

You see your ex everywhere you go

Although they try to be nonchalant, just being around you is a reveal of their intentions. Although they hide their feelings, their body language and the way their eyes search for you give away how they feel about you.

He/she is flirting to make you jealous

When you see your ex outrageously flirting in front of you, make sure it’s a ploy to make him sit up and take notice. They are hiding their true feelings from wanting you to come back behind the mask of flirting.

They ask mutual friends to participate

They might ask their friends to throw a party or the like and include you on the guest list, making them feel like they didn’t have a hand in their invitation. They just want to be around you and take this opportunity to get closer to you without seeming too eager about it.

They try to be part of your group

They can join the gym if you are a member or have a hobby you are involved in, don’t be fooled by their new interests; It’s a tactic to be close to you. These are all signs that they want you back, but they are a bit wary of being open about it.

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