If you’re like me, after Thanksgiving I gleefully anticipate the many Christmas cards I receive from family and friends across the country. It’s always so much fun to get the latest news, see how the kids have grown, and watch your friend grow a year.

Of course, there are some cards that just miss the mark and I wonder why they took the time to create and send this card. Makes you wonder! So, in the spirit of love, kindness, and fun, here are five tips to make your family’s Christmas a memorable one.

1) Include more than one image. Yes, it is a tradition of many families to get a studio portrait and have everyone dressed the same. That’s fine, if it’s one of your family traditions. But it also includes casual shots of Billy belly-diving into the pool, or Dog Daisy licking the baby’s ice cream cone. Live the moment. In fact, you could even tell the annual story with a collage of images.

2) It is NOT a time to brag, it is a time to celebrate the seasons of life. Don’t think you have to try to outdo others. While it would be wonderful to brag that your son got accepted to Harvard, you won the Nobel Peace Prize, and there were 50 in attendance at your daughter’s Tuscan wedding, wait… your closest friends already know about your greatest accomplishments. Your friends will enjoy watching your less-than-perfect family hug each other, share a family dinner, or casual behind-the-scenes footage. For those who couldn’t be at the events, show them the real pictures, the real you. Then include a link to your Facebook page to see all the photos with perfect elegant poses.

3) Keep the card focused on the season. This is not the time to add an ad about your business. Nothing turns people off more than getting a Christmas card that ends with… if you know someone who needs to buy or sell a house, give me a call. Yak. That takes the Christmas spirit out of care altogether and your care will most likely be sent to File 13 (the trash can).

4) Include a personal note to the address. Let them know how special they are to you and your family. A heartfelt card not only tells your story, but also makes the recipient feel like an important part of your extended family.

5) Prepare the cards with a blessing and love in your heart. As you create the special card by adding heartwarming words and images, before you hit the SEND button and the beautiful card is printed, filled, sealed and sent, pause and send a mental blessing to all who will be touched by the card. The power of love knows no borders.

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