Know your rights and responsibilities

– Every college is different and you should know the rules about deadlines and expected standards.

– Know where to get help if needed.

– Read and keep any student induction materials or manuals, as this may help at a later date.

look at the full picture

Plan ahead for your career, there’s no more work waiting at the end of your course! Try to get involved in activities at the University that will make you stand out among other candidates who are fighting for the same jobs.

Develop your essay writing skills.

– Sometimes there may be essay title options, choose one that interests you or that you have focused on during the study.

– Make sure you fully understand what is required of you. What the title means.

– If you don’t understand or don’t like what you have to write about then consult your teacher, they will often be more than happy to talk to you and may even find a way to write about the given topic in a way that excites you, afterwards of everything, that’s what they get paid for!

– Start your research and writing early (better in the long run!) That way, if you have concerns or problems, your professor has plenty of time to answer any queries.

– Plan it well. Introduce the main focus of the essay and in new paragraphs explain and support each of the ideas you have.

– Complete your draft by focusing on ideas and content rather than grammar and spelling.

– After a break, go back to your work to review it with a fresh look.

– Re-draft.

– Ask someone to look at it, like a friend or family member.

– Review your work in light of the comments made.

– Finally, correct reading for grammar and spelling errors.

– Always check that you have correctly referenced your work using the University guidelines. (They love to penalize for little mistakes!)

Learn to read

I know it sounds patronizing, but how often do we pay attention to what we read? Those of us who are auditory or kinesthetic learners will sometimes have a harder time when dealing with the vast amount of written text that so often accompanies college courses. There are ways we can enhance the reading process to help us engage with a text.

– Look at the headings and titles of the chapters you are going to read, before reading them. Look for information that will help you determine the content of the text.

– Turn headings into questions, this will help you review the important chapters to focus on (especially when it comes to writing essays!)

– Read a section of the text.

– Summarize what you’ve read, out loud (especially good for auditory learners!)

– Write in the margins (use post-it notes if it’s not your textbook!)

– Continue with another section.

– When you finish, review everything you have learned, as high as you want.

– Although many people assign rhymes to certain things, another tip I learned in college is, when possible, tie a small action to a particular idea or concept you learned, which can help you remember it at a later date.

– Review the chapter or reading section a week later to refresh yourself.

Learn to take notes effectively

Taking good notes will go a long way when it comes to writing essays or revising for exams. Taking notes not only helps you reflect on what you have learned at a later date, but also helps you engage with what is being said during a lecture, making your learning during this time more efficient. Some universities have student support centers that offer help or guidance in taking notes. If your college offers brochures, they will often sell out quickly or courses fill up, so get it done quickly!

– If there is a reading related textbook, read it BEFORE (it’s hard to find time for this, but it really makes a difference!)

– Always review notes from previous readings.

– As you read, list any questions that might be helpful to ask.

– Be sure to go to conferences prepared with a good notebook and a pen that is easy for you to write with. There’s no point in trying to take notes on scraps of paper, you just won’t find them when you need them!

– Do not try to write everything, there will be no time; Focus on the main points and the references given for further research.

– If possible abbreviate.

– Give yourself plenty of space, often speakers jump from one idea to another, leaving space means you can squeeze out any bit of information when given.

– Read your notes as soon as you can, if you get more ideas from reflection or discussion with colleagues; add them where you have space.

– Whenever possible, check someone else’s notes, did they get something you missed?

– Review your notes regularly to see how much you can remember.

Plan your presentations well

Whether it’s a group or individual presentation, planning is key:

– Organize the main points and talk about them (on your own) at length to see how much you know without pushing yourself with an audience.

– Try to think of a question or statement that can be used immediately to engage your audience.

– Practice before introducing friends.

– Try not to memorize the text, make it natural and ‘without rehearsal’.

– Take your time, don’t go over the limit and try to keep it ‘short and quick’ to make sure you don’t lose your audience.

– Stay calm, make eye contact (this makes you look very confident, even if you are shaking with fear!) and invite them to ask you questions at the end (this makes you appear confident in your knowledge, they will loves!)

manage your time

– Although college is fun, remember that you are there to learn. Make sure you’re not too hungover for important reading!

– Give yourself plenty of study time and play time.

– Find a balance.

– Plan ahead; do not leave anything for the last minute.

– Make sure when you are studying for a test or essay that you give yourself enough time, making sure there is time for study breaks.

Prepare for the test

– Don’t leave everything to the last moment: the “learn as you go” approach is much better.

– Whenever possible, take a practice test, think about what you might be asked to do.

– Plan during the exam, take a quick look at what is required and try to leave enough time for each section.

– Answer the quick and easy questions first (they will give you easy grades). Return to the others when you have completed them. Anything that is really difficult for you should be saved for last to avoid wasting time.

– For long essay questions, plan your answer in bulleted form, at least if you run out of time the marker can see what you were trying to achieve.

ups and downs

Everyone has problems when they go to college. The important things to remember are:

– Know when to get help. Universities offer support to those who need it, no matter what the problem is (money, stress, health, family problems, etc.)

– Don’t let problems drag on. Talk to family and friends as soon as you can.

– If you feel that the situation you are in is affecting your study, talk to your teacher as soon as possible (especially before deadlines), they will often point you in the right direction.

Maintain a good balance between work, rest and play.

This is the key to enjoying your time at the University.

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