Is there a difference between B2B white papers written by businesses for business and B2C white papers written by businesses directly for consumers?

Most of the articles are written for the B2B market and very few are written for the B2C market. There is an idea that business executives and decision makers are the only ones willing to spend their time reading white papers. People think that consumers are not prepared to spend their time reading long newspapers.

But this is just a notion, as B2C documents or electronic guides are known to work. In fact, there are many of these documents that are much longer than normal 10-14 page white paper and are known to work. Some of the B2C articles are even 20-40 pages long and generate leads. Regular consumers are not as busy as decision makers, they have a lot of free time and are willing to spend a fraction of this time reading long documents that educate them. In this process, these articles also persuade the reader and sell him the product / service.

The way you write these two articles varies: –

B2B white papers:

B2B white papers are written using very formal language. They do not sell the product directly. The writing is very indirect. There are no catch lines like “Pick up the phone and call us today for this huge discount.” They discuss a problem in detail and then discuss the solution to this problem in detail. After this, company information and services or products are mentioned. There is usually no call to action. The design of these items is also very formal.

B2C white papers:

B2C papers are sold more directly. They consist of problems and solutions that are discussed in a similar way as in the B2B document, but the sale is very direct. After typing in all the company information and product / service information, there is a strong call to action asking the reader to contact the company immediately and use their services. There are also offers and gifts that encourage the reader to buy the product and use the service. The design here is more colorful and fun and pleases the reader’s eyes. They are more attractive than B2B papers. Many of these documents also have testimonials to make the product / service seem more trustworthy.

Both types of articles have been shown to be effective when written the right way. So if you have a business and you don’t have a whitepaper. So be sure to write one now.

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