5. Final Fantasy 10

This was the first Final Fantasy title to be released on PlayStation 2. We have never before had a story-driven RPG with impressive voice acting and graphics. I’m happy that a Final Fantasy title was the first to reach that milestone. Square Enix deserved it.

4. Grand Theft Auto 3

Rockstar reinvented the ‘sandbox’ genre with Grand Theft Auto 3, making a completely different game from the previous two Grand Theft Auto games. The most notable thing was, obviously, that the game is now in 3D. The amount of liberating freedom you have in that game is staggering.

3. God of War

God of War had an excellent presentation and was one of the most polished PlayStation 2 games ever released. By polished I mean few bugs (which was important considering the PlayStation 2 didn’t use ‘patches’ like PC games do) and smooth gameplay. The sequels were just as good, but the original game is what opened the doors to those games. It has unique puzzles and a fantastic combat system that allows you to play button combination mini-games to deliver a finishing blow to your enemies. This was one of my favorites.

2. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

This was the first Metal Gear game to appear on PlayStation 2 and it was an instant classic. Hideo Kojima improved on many aspects of Metal Gear Solid, including the ability to aim in an over-the-shoulder vantage point behind Snake. Hideo said that this was a difficult decision because the game would no longer be the traditional bird’s-eye view of Metal Gear Solid. Although it was for the better.

1. Shadow of the Colossus

After its success, the developers who made Ico decided to go big. Literally. Shadow of the Colossus features gameplay that no other game could compare to. Fight against giant colossi. The player had a satisfying sense of accomplishment after defeating one of these huge beasts. The variation between the different Colossus was excellent and each required a different strategy to take it down. They can even be considered as puzzles to be honest. The game has a moving story with an ending that leaves no stones unturned.


There you go. My pick of the best PlayStation 2 games ever released. The console had a great run and many of my most memorable gaming experiences were with PlayStation 2 games. The PlayStation 2 was also my last console as I have now become a full time PC gamer.

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