We have all been there at some point. You hit a wall, whether it’s a personal wall in a relationship or a professional wall with a glass ceiling or money cap. You know when you’re on a wall. Maybe it’s the unknown wall like this economy. So you’re on this wall. It could have gone off overnight or it could have been there the whole time like the pink elephant you’d never look at. Whether it’s a mile high, a mile thick, 400 miles to the right and to the left, now or a bigger one appears tomorrow, how does it get past the wall?

It all has to do with the mindset. “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Said by Henry Ford. “To do or not to do there is no trying.” It has been said by Yoda. For some it seems easy, for you and me it is a lot of work, worry and stress. Getting out of our comfort zone a bit to get around the wall. The choice is yours, you can stand on the wall of defeat or do something that seems weird or cheesy. Whoever was or is someone that people admire or envy in any way, started out as someone with a dream. They step beyond their walls and challenges.

Changing your mental mindset is challenging, but much less of a challenge than most realize. It can be as hard or as easy as you make it. That wall could be paper thin and appear solid. Three quick and easy tips for people like you to be a little better.

First get rid of the “Dream Crushers”, constantly negative news, and stay away from the fire brigade, you know the people who always put out your dreams and ideas. Loved ones and friends do it all the time because of a scarcity mentality.

Don’t make them wrong, just know that they do it out of a lack-driven concern. Talk to your loved ones and let them know that you won’t be watching as much TV. Let friends stay out of it. If everyone drives 10 year old clunkers and you want to drive a new car that you pay cash with, they are holding you back. A true friend will see what you are doing and really understand.

Second, take ten minutes and think about this. In those ten minutes you will think about what you really want to do in life. The house, the vacation you want to continue, the hobbies you always wanted to start, the family you always wanted to put on paper. So take ten minutes to think. Then you have 20 minutes to write it all down on paper. What is not on paper after 20 minutes you will not get it. We’ve all heard that there’s no such thing as something for nothing. Good is true. Now here’s the weird thing. Take that piece of paper you put your dream on in those 20 minutes and put it in the mindset or self-help book of your choice. When you’re done with one book, move on to the next, or better yet, take 10 to think about and write your dreams down again in 20 minutes. Put that in your next book.

That role that the book is giving you is that you keep something to receive something in return. You gave the book your dreams and the book in return gives you the mindset to get what you want. Think of it this way. You already have the account number of your million dollar bank account and two of the four digits of the pin code. The other two digits are in the mindset, just find and discover the last two numbers and the riches are yours.

Third, don’t just read and skim the books you read. Yes, flip through a chapter and take a few notes on what caught your eye. But after that, right after that go back and actually read the chapter. Then take more notes and summarize in your own words what you read and what it means to you. Then, at the end of the book, make a final report on what and how you can use the information in your life or in your business.

These mindset, self-help, and self-improvement books have most of the answers. Use them as your personal brainchild. Whether you’re improving your relationship with your loved ones, your spirit, your business, follow these quick and easy steps and the mile-high walls that once stopped you in your tracks are now paper thin and one step away. easy, the wall is now behind you. Take what you learned on this wall and the next wall or challenge is easy.

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