Cats are creatures that love routine. I’m sure you notice them rubbing your legs and meowing when you’re making dinner. They can certainly smell food and also want to eat.

Below are my favorite tips for a well-behaved cat.

Feed your kitten or cat at the same time of day in the same place. You can have a mix of canned food or dry crackers. Check the packaging for the amount needed for the age or size of your cat. I have found my cats do very well on less than the recommended amount and have often wondered if this “suggested amount” is overkill to get me to buy more of your product.

If you have a kitten, plan some time each day to play and play. Continue this “play time” even when your cat is an adult. They will still enjoy it and I’m sure you will too. We usually tend to play with kittens a lot more than we do with adult cats, as kittens love to play because it teaches them life skills. Having a set time each day, perhaps when the kids get home from school or when you get home from work, will give your kitty or cat something to look forward to and will do wonders for bonding.

If you plan to bathe your cat, it will be much easier if you do it while she is still a kitten. Your adult cat will be much easier to bathe if you have always done this. Trying to introduce an adult cat to the toilet usually ends with scratches and a cat that doesn’t trust you. Make it part of the weekly routine.

Grooming is something that most cats love. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, but if you groom long-haired cats every day and short-haired cats twice a week, they’ll learn to accept it. I find getting ready a pleasure while watching TV at the end of the day. My cats are relaxed because they’ve played and fed and it’s time for a brushing or maybe a massage as they take turns sitting on my lap. Of course, sometimes they need encouragement to move away so the other cat can move on.

Massage is another activity that can become part of a weekly routine. Cassie sits on the arm of my chair when she wants a massage and then snuggles into my lap when she’s had enough.

After a few weeks or months of doing this, your cat will have a well established routine and will have developed their own routine for what they want to do. This includes finding a comfortable place to curl up for a nap or stretch out on the climbing pole. I find that Cassie comes over and talks to me most mornings when I start work and after a few minutes of petting and talking to her, she happily jumps on my bed to get some sleep. And around 6.30 she every night she will be sitting quietly by her food plate, waiting to be fed.

We have our routines, so why shouldn’t our cat do it? And by establishing these routines as soon as possible, you’ll have a very well behaved and well trained cat who is a joy to be around.

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