You may be wondering how college admissions and manners could be related. The connection is surprisingly clear. As you go through the college planning process, you will deal with adults who have some influence on your future. How you handle these encounters can make a difference.

The college admissions process often seems quite impersonal, but there are many interactions with college representatives, admissions officers, alumni, and high school teachers. This is where manners and proper behavior play a role.

Read on to discover the five areas of college admissions where manners do matter:

Teacher Recommendations

Students generally ask high school teachers for college recommendations. Obviously, if teachers are asked to write a recommendation in the spring of their junior year, they have plenty of time to do it during the summer. If, on the other hand, you wait until the recommendation is nearly done, many teachers resent the rush and pressure to get the job done quickly. Teachers are busy people and they are doing you a favor. It is important to thank them for taking the time to write you a letter. Don’t forget your counselor too.

Social media

Students don’t always use the best judgment on their Facebook pages or other networking sites. Before applying to college, clean up anything that could jeopardize your chances of getting accepted into college. Universities DO care about what you post and display online. If it’s inappropriate, there’s a good chance it will be listed on your college application. A surprising number of college admissions officials reported that social media sites have had a negative impact on a student’s chances of admission to college. Don’t take that risk. It’s rude to say things online that you later regret.

Email and mobile phones

It is advisable for students to have a separate email address for all correspondence from the university. Your current address may be nice, but it doesn’t convey the image you want to project to universities. It’s also smart to check your cell phone message. University representatives often contact students on their cell phones to schedule interviews. Most college representatives would like to know if they have reached the student for whom the call was intended. If the college representative listens to loud music, they may not know whether to leave a message. You may miss an important opportunity to connect with someone from a school that interests you. Also, know how to answer a phone. When asked, “Is this Rob?” say, “Yes, this is him”, not “Yes, this is him.” First impressions count.

College interviews

If you have the opportunity to interview someone from a college or university, do so by all means. Dress appropriately and be prepared with some questions you would like to ask about school. Arrive for the interview at least 10 minutes early. College officials are busy and can’t wait if you’re late. It is important to meet your interviewer with a firm handshake. You should also maintain good eye contact throughout the interview. When you return home, it is polite to send a thank you note, not an email. Ask your interviewer for a business card so you know where to send the note. Show interest in the school and listen to what the interviewer has to say.

Visits to universities

College admissions committees like to accept students who show an interest in their school. One of the best ways to do this is by visiting the university. Call ahead to schedule a tour, information session, and possible interview. Avoid using your cell phone or texting while visiting a college campus. Pay attention to the guide and do not talk to other people during the tour. Colleges realize that you are a teenager and they don’t expect you to act like an adult all the time. However, they want to know that you can demonstrate appropriate behavior and know how to behave, so keep in mind that manners are important for college admission.

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