Eric Worre, known for his leadership role in the network marketing industry, recently interviewed Tony Robbins. Now, in case anyone doesn’t know who Tony Robbins is, Tony is arguably the best known motivational speaker on the planet today.

From his website, “For the past three decades, Anthony Robbins has served as a consultant to leaders around the world. A recognized authority on the psychology of leadership, negotiations, organizational change, and peak performance, he has been consistently honored for his strategy, intellect and humanitarian efforts”.

It wasn’t always like this. Tony had humble beginnings coming from a divorced family and an alcoholic mother. Tony has no formal education and started out with no business experience, but he has reached the top of his game. He currently operates 21 companies with revenue approaching $6 billion annually.

Tony began his career promoting seminars for Jim Rohn. According to Robbins, Rohn taught him that “the secret of life is to figure out a way to add the most value; you have to find a way to do more for others than anyone else is doing. Happiness and success in life They are not the result of what we have, but of how we live and what we give”. (from

In his interview with Eric Worre, Tony strongly endorses the network marketing industry. He points out that there are over 100 million people worldwide involved in network marketing and it is a $182 billion industry (with B). He goes on to say that a person can start their own business without the risk and expense of traditional business.

So the question is: “Why do so many people fail at network marketing?” Really? Is the failure rate really that high compared to other business models? In traditional business, only 4% of new companies are still around after 10 years and they are not necessarily profitable. Network marketing compares favorably. It is well known that only a few people out of 100 who get involved will make any money. Why is that?

First of all, many people “dabble” in network marketing. They “try”. They ask their Aunt Sally and Uncle Harry to get involved and when Aunt Sally and Uncle Harry say, “No!” They resigned, really? If you opened a pizzeria and the first two people that walk by didn’t come in for pizza, would you hang an “out of business” sign? No! Would you go find more people? Why? Because you have invested too much to give up so easily.

And that’s one of the problems with network marketing. It’s so cheap and easy to start that it’s also very easy to quit. You just don’t have much to lose.
The secret to success is that you have to commit, says Robbins. You can’t just “test” it.

You must be and act professionally, claim it as your profession and pursue it as a business, not a hobby. If you do, network marketing can and will reward you as a business. Have you heard of “The Four Year Race”? Well, it is possible, but only if you act professionally and are serious about your network marketing business.

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