Athletes and even non-athletes are always looking for ways to build an EDGE!

Here are ten surefire ways to INCREASE performance… Guaranteed!

1.) Know your goals = Sounds obvious, but I can’t tell you how many people I’ve met and trained that just don’t know what they want. Usually they can only tell me what they don’t want. That’s not good enough. YOU need to know in crystal clarity that what you are chasing can be explained in vivid detail!

2.) Develop a sense of urgency = As I write this article, the Tampa Bay Bucs are beating the Seattle Seahawks 17-3. Seattle is facing a fourth-and-a-yard situation… What do you think they decided to do? Yes, you got it, go for it! It’s not hard to understand: they should try because they realize as a team that if they don’t take EVERY OPPORTUNITY they can, it’s over! Developing a sense of urgency is doing just that: realizing that if you don’t use EVERY POSSIBILITY to prepare for performance the way you REALLY can…Eventually, your opportunity will be lost!

3.) Connect Emotionally = Not enough people connect emotionally with their targets! Sure they want to achieve them, BUT there isn’t always this BURNING DESIRE to see it achieved because “IT MEANS A LOT!” Well, right? Do your goals and dreams have a burning desire behind them? What will it really mean if you don’t make it? Sure, it may not be fatal, BUT if there isn’t a substantial amount of PAIN associated with NOT achieving them, then I’d say they’re not serious goals. Are you connected?

4.) Track Your Progress = Hey, you keep score during competition, why not keep score relative to how well you’re training and preparing? Makes sense? Tracking your progress is nothing more than looking at what you’re doing right and areas you may need to adjust. Try keeping a training diary – it will help you keep track and stay focused! It often helps build confidence in the things you’re doing well to get ready to PERFORM!

5.) Making Adjustments = Throughout my childhood, as a young athlete, I noticed that if YOU didn’t get angry, stamp your feet and even throw a tantrum or two… You really didn’t care! That’s a lot of garbage! Certainly, I believe there should be a level of Healthy Dissatisfaction for a job that is less than the best, however, I don’t believe in “Mistreating yourself!” I have a saying with my son (age 10, wrestler and soccer player): “Don’t get frustrated… Don’t beat yourself up, just make adjustments!” The only thing YOU are good at when beating yourself up is… “Beating yourself up!” It breeds negativity, low self-esteem, and ultimately sabotages your best performances! Hey, “What adjustments are you making?”

6.) Seek Advice = Too often we hear behind mega-successful people who were “self-made.” I have news for you… There is no such thing! Whether your inspiration comes from someone in history who wrote a book or from some mentor who told you one thing, we are constantly being shaped by others and their ideas. So seek advice: sage advice from “good people” who “have been there and done that.” Find a few mentors you can keep in touch with and ask them questions about their struggles, attitudes, triumphs, disappointments, and the best takeaways from their experiences. Keep a pen and pad handy and write down anything that is potentially helpful. You’ll find a “gold mine” of help and, who knows, you may be the one to help you become the next self-made… Ooops… into someone else’s mentor!

7.) Protect Your Mindset = Everyone Has An Opinion – Lots of people mean well and want to coach you and contribute to your success. Some, however, are simply not qualified to help. Keep your mind and thoughts PROTECTED! There are also people who are just plain negative and will take away your passion to perform at the highest level! Stand back and remember this proverb… “Wise men walk among wise men and fools with fools!” Choose which one makes the most sense for your success and your future!

8.) Enjoy the Process = It’s Really Simple! Enjoy the fact that YOU are truly unique in the sense that very few people would choose to pursue what you pursue: your goals and dreams. Please do yourself, your mind, and your body a favor… Allow yourself to experience the joy of hard work, sacrifice, exceptional focus, discipline, and everything else that comes with “Chasing Your Goals and Dreams” . Like I said, “It’s really simple… It’s just not easy!”

9.) Develop routines that help YOU master performance = Create pre-competition routines, warm-ups, performance prompts, visualization exercises, etc. they have been shown to increase the performance levels of people in the performance business. Take a look at my previous posts to better understand how some of these routines really help!

10.) Run = As Nike says; “Just do it!” After all the preparation with the best and most suitable equipment, training, training, recovery and even Mental Skills Training… The bottom line is that YOU will be called upon to “Step Up and Take Action”. The most important key to being able to do this is to develop a sincere desire to “Want to act!” In other words, if you’re a fighter… Your favorite place to be is when it’s “Match Time.” If you’re a soccer player… Your favorite place to be is when it’s “Game Time.” Choose a sport or event: YOU have to learn to LOVE the moment that means the most… The moment when the result means something. Remember this… You are a Performer! PERFORMERS LOVE TO PERFORM!

Follow these 10 surefire ways to increase your PERFORMANCE and I promise…

YOU will be MORE SUCCESSFUL than ever!

Until next time…

Remember, “It’s just your life, chase it!”

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