So now you have a new dog and you know nothing about how to train it to become an acceptable part of the family, without doing masses everywhere or chewing on your shoes? It never hurts to check with your chosen vet, mine recommended the reward system. When your dog does something good, you give him a treat. If you “catch” them doing something wrong, you can scold them. If he doesn’t catch them doing mischief, he can’t scold them because they won’t know what they’re being scolded for. You can choose a professional dog trainer, but that can be expensive. I think the best idea is that you train your dog yourself, in this way you will form the bond you want with him/her and they will be friends for many years.

How to potty train your new puppy

When it comes to potty training a new puppy, you have to be very patient. Remember that their bodies are very small and cannot contain much, so they must be removed frequently, especially after meals. When my dog ​​was little she used to walk the perimeter of the backyard several times a day with my dog ​​on a leash and now that she is mature she stays within that perimeter naturally. It’s also good to remember to use the same commands each time, this way your dog will begin to understand what you’re asking.

dog tracking

Even if your dog has been trained to stay in your yard, we all know that “things” can happen. Suddenly, they seem to get the “call of the wild” and just scamper down the street, sometimes at the most inopportune times. Again, patience is necessary and I would recommend that your new friend has a chip, in case he can’t find it. At least with the chip your dog can be identified as yours and will not remain lost for long.

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