When you eat or drink something that is contaminated, the bacteria that causes typhoid fever enters your body and travels to your intestines, bloodstream, and eventually reaches your lymph nodes, gallbladder, liver, spleen, and other parts of your body. her body.

home remedies for typhoid fever

Typhoid fever is common in developing countries due to poor hygiene exhibited by people. Below are some home remedies to treat typhoid fever quickly.

1) Bitter Leaf Juice: Drink a cup of freshly squeezed bitter leaf juice twice a day until the symptoms subside. Alternatively, boil the stem and root of the bitter-leafed plant and drink a glass twice a day until symptoms subside.

Please note: Bitter leaf juice causes loose stools or purging sometimes if taken in excess, do not take more than 5 leaves per cup.

2) Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix ½ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a splash of water. You may consider adding honey to make it tasty and palatable to you. Take this mixture before each meal for 5 days. Vinegar will make you urinate a lot, so you’ll need to have a bathroom nearby.

3) Garlic for autoimmune

Garlic is a natural antibiotic, it will absorb mucus and kill bacteria. If you can, cut the garlic clove into small pieces and swallow. Yes, it will smell a bit and feel funny in your stomach, but it works. Continue with several pieces of raw garlic a day for a few days.

4) lemons

Squeeze a whole lemon or lime and drink the juice with hot or cold water and honey to taste. Lemons and limes are natural disinfectants and will alkalize the intestine. Add lemon wedges to your water for a week after a typhoid fever diagnosis.

5) Apples and carrots

Eat apples and carrots as a snack for good digestion, remember to wash all fruits well before consuming them to ensure that all bacteria are gone.

6) Traditional Lemongrass Remedy for Typhoid Fever


lemongrass, limes, unripe papaya, unripe pineapples, alabukun powder, black/lipton tea bags, water.


– Cut these items (lemongrass, 25 limes, 2 unripe papayas, 2 unripe pineapples) into pieces and mix, add 6 black tea bags to the mix as well.

– Boil the mixture for 30 to 40 minutes with 3 liters of water.

– Add alabukun powder 5 mins at the end of cooking.


Take 1 glass, 2 times a day for a week. Drink when hot.

Bail! In case of high fever and other severe symptoms of typhoid infection, see a doctor immediately.

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