I have often wondered why most people wait until they are laid off or old and “worn out” before considering what they will retire to. What happens and who takes care of them, when they are old and can’t go around working from 8 to 5. daily routine anymore?

Let’s face the facts. At some point in our lives, we will have to sit back and wait for some income to meet our needs, especially when we have crossed the threshold of chasing our tails! Now, the question is how much have we saved in all these years of laborious struggle to survive in the rat race of life?

If you have amassed that much wealth by the age of forty, great! I need to talk with you. On the other hand, if you have nothing to show for it at fifty, all hope is not lost. However, if you are very broke and you are sixty years old, then we need an urgent surgical financial operation! At eighty, not much money, I just hope you win the lottery, not funny right?

So what is the output? You have to maximize your seasons of life by planning now and having this idea of ​​where you can retire. Invest with little cash and yet be able to pick your teeth rolling in your chair telling moonlit tales of roosters and bulls to your grandchildren. So what’s the way out?

For all the categories of people mentioned above, are they those who plan to retire at 30 or 90? These unique businesses that I am about to show you will support you and save you from the agonies of frustration and regrets in life. However, this is only possible if, and only if, you quickly realize this simple truth and make a “financial U-turn” to this ancient wisdom of saving and planning for your retirement now. Remember the popular Chinese proverb: there are two times to plant a tree, 20 years ago and now!

Here are the five unique businesses; wise people can retire by investing their small savings anywhere they live and smile when they grow old.

1.Real Estate

Get a medium-sized piece of land in sparsely populated areas and watch the population explode and make huge profits on your effort. Build it up gradually over the next 5-10 years and retire to incredible wealth. An investment of $4,000 and less today can guarantee you residual and multiple income for life when you eventually retire. Read property magazines, newspaper ads, discussion forums for advice on available properties to buy and market prices.

2. Educational Institution

A greater proportion of the population in the world are young, there is always a need for training. More educational institutions are in high demand and will always be a money maker any day. Try to establish a school with high standards in the overcrowded areas. Even from villages to urban centers, schools, training centers and continuing education centers. they have secured patronage from people who are now excited to empower themselves and gain vocational skills to become financially independent.

3. Food processing and packaging

Most of the people are producing foods like vegetables and fruits that are not fully used or processed. Therefore, a large amount of waste is generated due to the lack of appropriate technology to process these foods into final packages that can be stored for local or international markets. There are opportunities for end products like mango juices, tomato puree, canned goods, and the like. .With a plentiful supply of fish supply from the rivers, ponds and oceans, try canning this and earn money. Some technical knowledge is required to package these foods for export. Some of these cottage industries require as little as US$10,000 to establish and within a few years can become a multi-billion dollar industry. This will provide future retirement income to take care of your vacation trips abroad when you retire.

Smart investors should also conduct feasibility studies on the viability of these businesses and take up new initiatives to retire.

4. Microcredit Agencies / Money Lenders

With so many commercial banks around with bureaucratic procedures to follow to access credit. The average income earner requires between US$2,000 and US$50,000 to start or consolidate their existing businesses, which is well within the scope of microfinance. Operating a cooperative or money lending agency with flexible terms, for as many workers with the security of assistance to finance a home or business plan, can generate substantial retirement income. Like-minded people should come together and form a cooperative union to further their cause.

5. Waste Recycling Factories

From paper waste, plastics, food, scrap, batteries, mobile phones, ink cartridges, household appliances and many others, much of this waste is generated daily. Setting up a mini-factory to recycle this waste into unique products will ensure any savvy investor an income for life. some of these waste recycling factories, in addition to the employment generated for which they will attract the praise and support of the government of your country. This can be done by enticing people to buy this waste from people who have a hard time getting rid of this waste. You can start a social enterprise to employ the idle youth of your community.

Finally, saving that $100-$500 a month for, say, 5-10 years, to invest in any of the businesses mentioned above can make a world of difference in anyone’s life.

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