Every man has a desire for his partner to have a tight vagina as it is a well known fact that it is more pleasurable and fun to have sex with women who have a tighter vagina; that is the main reason why men prefer to have sex with younger women because they tend to be narrower. In this article, let’s find out why the vagina becomes loose and some of the ways it can be tightened again.

Causes of a loose vagina

There are a number of reasons why the vagina loses its firmness, but the main ones are aging, childbirth, inserting large objects into the vagina during masturbation, and sometimes a sedentary lifestyle that can affect the organs. sexual.

Corrective measures

To make a vagina tighter, there are effectively two methods available. Let’s talk about both and find out which one will work best for you.

Vaginal tightening surgery

This is the shortest and safest path to a tighter vagina, but not everything is rosy because the cost of the surgery amounts to thousands of dollars and if you give birth to a boy, you will have to undergo surgery again.

Vaginal tightening creams

These are herbal creams made from herbs like aloe and manjikani which have rich skin tightening properties, therefore when applied to the vagina and its adjacent parts, they help the vagina to become tighter, which improves the sensation of penetration and sex in general. The good thing about using these creams is that they do not have negative side effects, but it is recommended to refrain from using them during menstruation or if you have any vaginal infection.

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