Some Common Methods Used to Add Minerals to Distilled Water

Whether your water is distilled or not, the body needs certain minerals to function optimally. Unfortunately, many common drinking water sources contain these essential minerals that are removed during the distillation process, making it difficult for the body to get what it needs. This is why re-mineralizing your distilled water is so important. It’s a simple step that can help ensure the body is getting what it needs to stay healthy and happy.

The lack of minerals in distilled water can make it taste flat and unappetizing, especially to those who are used to the light flavor of normal tap water with mineral content. This is why a lot of people add minerals to their distilled water with mineral drops, powders and salts. These added minerals can raise the pH level of the water, making it more alkaline and more appealing in taste to most people.

Fortunately, there are several different ways to add minerals to how to add minerals to distilled water. Some of the most popular methods include using mineral drops, a remineralizing water filter or simply adding a pinch of natural salt to a glass of distilled water. It’s important to remember that too much or too little of any mineral can have negative effects on the body, so it’s crucial to follow package instructions and consult a health care professional if you are not sure how much to add.

One of the most popular and convenient methods for adding minerals to distilled water is using mineral drops. These products are available at most health food stores and come in a variety of different concentrations. They are easy to use, convenient and provide the added benefit of a balanced blend of trace minerals. Some of the best mineral drop products to consider include Trace Minerals Electrolyte Concentrate Drops and Quinton Wellness.

What Are Some Common Methods Used to Add Minerals to Distilled Water?

Another option for remineralizing distilled water is to purchase a remineralizing filter that also removes contaminants from the water. This is a great option if you’re concerned about the amount of contaminants in your drinking water or you simply want to improve the taste and quality of your water. A good remineralizing filter to consider is the Alkalize Pitcher Filter (Amazon Link), which offers both filtration and remineralization of your drinking water.

Adding a pinch of natural, mineral-rich salt to a glass of distilled water is a simple, inexpensive and easy way to increase its nutritional value. Both Celtic and Himalayan pink salts are excellent choices as they contain 84 trace minerals. It’s also a much healthier alternative to table salt, which is primarily sodium chloride and caking agents.

While most nutritionists agree that the human body gets all of the minerals it needs from the food we eat, some people may need to supplement their water with additional minerals to ensure that they are getting enough. This is especially true if they are drinking distilled water, which doesn’t naturally contain these nutrients.

While there is some debate about the importance of adding minerals to distilled water, most nutritional and medical experts agree that the body can assimilate organically-mineralized water. By adding these nutrients to distilled water, consumers can enjoy a better-tasting beverage and also improve their health. This is especially important for individuals who consume large amounts of distilled water on a regular basis.

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