The Metal Rabbit year officially begins on February 4 at 12:30 p.m. What does this year hold for you? Find out everything in this article…

Rat: Born 1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996,2008

After the frustration and changes of last year, this will be a slightly better year for the Rat. Due to the influence of the star “Tai Yin”, Rat women will have better luck than Rat men.

This year will be very favorable, if you are in the food and beverage business. If you are thinking of starting your own restaurant, this is the time to do it. For students, this year will be the time to shine in studies. Take this opportunity to do it right.

Regarding health, be careful with sudden accidents. For older men, look for prostate-related ailments. For women, look for ailments related to your ovaries. Last but not least, try to take things slowly. Don’t get involved in gossip or arguments.

Due to the indirect clash between Rabbit and Rat, you can expect a lot of unpleasantness and frustration when it comes to dealing with people. Don’t let frustrations affect your health.

Ox: Born 1925,1937,1949,1961,1973,1985,1997,2009

Last year was a very favorable year for the Ox. Unfortunately, this year, he may face challenges alone. This year, your allies have their own battles to fight, leaving you to face it all on your own.

The biggest enemy this year is yourself. Since you do not like changes, this year, you may find yourself helpless. Unable to cope with problems that come your way. The solution is to stop being stubborn and start being open to change.

Since your luck cycle is unstable, you should keep your expectations of everything low to avoid disappointment. Just go with the flow and everything will work out. Do not lose your temper under any circumstances or you might regret it. The good news is that you can expect more money to come in as your wealth luck is on the right side.

As for health, don’t risk it. Go to medical check-ups every quarter of the year. Relax, exercise and, if possible, go traveling. Go places you’ve never been and you’ll feel better. In short, avoid stress and frustration.

Tiger: born in 1926,1938,1950,1962,1974,1986,1998, 2010

The previous year was an average year for the Tiger. The stress level was high because you had to do everything on your own. As a result, progress was slow. However, this year your time to act has come.

If you have goals that you still haven’t achieved last year, this year you will be able to achieve them all. With the stars “Tai Yang” and “Tian Yi Gui Ren” supporting you, you will find ideas that come easily to you.

After you put your ideas in writing, you will find powerful allies to help you achieve your goals.

This is especially true for business people. You may find a good business partner or investor who can help you. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out or already have an established business, allies will appear to help you.

In short, this is the year to work hard. Do it all and you will see the results.

When it comes to health, due to your hectic schedule, you may neglect your health. This is especially true for those born in 1950 and 1974. Remember to get more rest and avoid drinking.

Rabbit: Born 1927,1939,1951,1963,1975,1987,1999

The Rabbit had a hard time last year. Frustrations and problems were the main theme. This year, things are going to change in your favor. You will gain more confidence, as well as power and respect from others.

With the endorsement of the “General” star, you will be able to find competent lieutenants to help you in your business. For the salaried workers, you will find assistants and subordinates who will play an important role in helping you in your promotion.

The other favorable star “Jin Gui” will help in finances. You can boost your savings this year. Both career and wealth are very favorable this year. Regular checkups are a must this year. Do not run any risk in terms of your health. Avoid drinking if you can.

Dragon: born in 1928,1940,1952,1964,1976,1988,2000

After a slow year last year, the Dragon’s frustrations continue. You find yourself unable to perform to your full potential. For someone who prides himself on job performance, it’s really frustrating not being able to do it.

Your strategy this year is to take a defensive stance instead of going on the offensive. Hold your weapons and wait for the opportunity to attack. You must conserve your energy, as the vile characters that surround you wait for the opportunity to conspire against you.

Regarding health, it is easy to get sick due to the presence of the “Sickness” Star. Avoid the South sector at all costs. In general, it is an average year. Keep your expectations low and try to cut losses rather than try to turn a profit.

Snake: Born in 1929,1941,1953,1965,1977,1989,2001

Snake’s good fortune is still going on from last year, though things are slowing down a bit. If on a scale of 1 to 10 last year it was an 8, this year it would be a 7. You will have powerful allies backing you, as well as being promoted to a position of greater power. Your professional position will be very stable.

Despite having powerful allies behind you, you will still be in trouble. Someone will be jealous of the progress you are making and try to undermine you. Beware of being sabotaged, as well as losing money.

Remember to remain humble when you are successful in your career. Don’t make enemies unnecessarily. In terms of health, keep an eye out for ailments related to your extremities. Stay calm and collected in all situations. Never allow yourself to stress unnecessarily.

Horse: Born 1930,1942,1954,1966,1978,1990,2002

The Horse had to be self-sufficient last year. Luck was not on your side. Each success was achieved by his own effort. He should give himself a pat on the back for the hard work he has put in. This year, with 4 rave stars behind you, it’s time for you to come back. You can easily achieve what you did last year with only half the effort you put in last year.

You will be in a good mood this year most of the time. But be very careful what you say. Do not get carried away by your success and offend others with your words. There is a tendency among those who are jealous to sabotage your progress.

You should try to make friends with everyone and avoid making enemies as there will be a lot of gossip about you.

In terms of health, just like the Rabbit, health is your main obstacle this year. Remember to go to blood tests and periodic check-ups. As long as your health is good, everything will be fine.

Sheep: born in 1919,1931,1943,1955,1967,1979,1991,2003

After a fun year last year, the fun continues this year for the Sheep. Your lucky cycle for this year is in the top 3. This year, you have an active social life, you meet allies who can help you take your career to the next level. Your popularity increases, making you a respected figure among your peers. At the same time, you will attract competent subordinates to help you achieve your career goals.

Wealth luck is very favorable. You will discover that you can store a large sum of money. As for health, there is not much to worry about, except for Sheep women who may experience some emotional problems due to arguments with their husbands. In general, this is a great year for sheep.

Monkey: born in 1920,1932,1944,1956,1968,1980,1992,2004

El Mono had a stressful and exhausting time last year. Even though all your problems were resolved, they left you feeling tired and out of breath. After working hard, now is the time to reap the fruits of your labor. But, you must not be complacent.

My advice to you this year: make hay while the sun is shining. Or as Donald Trump says: “Take good luck and run with it.” Run all the way and work hard all the time, so that you can maximize your good luck this year.

This year, you will find yourself being the center of attraction, which is what you have always loved. Everyone’s eyes will be on you. Now is the time to act. Powerful allies will come to your aid. In terms of power, rank, and wealth, you have them all.

When it comes to health, beware of diseases related to the extremities, as well as traffic accidents. Remember, don’t be blinded by success. If you are willing to work hard, this will be a memorable year for you. So go ahead!

Rooster: Born 1921,1933,1945,1957,1969,1981,1993,2005

The Rooster’s luck cycle returns to average this year. After last year’s smooth luck cycle, you may find yourself a fish out of water this year. The theme for you this year is change. You will be surprised by the sudden changes in terms of your life, career and even health. You have to take things as they come and keep your expectations low. This year, all plans will get out of hand. Get ready for it.

The saying “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” doesn’t really apply this year. Even if you plan, things may not go your way. Just keep your expectations low and everything will be fine. Always take the safe path. No risk please.

For your health, look for ailments related to your limbs, bones, eyes, and your respiratory system. Although there are no major illnesses, you still need to be on the lookout for minor illnesses.

Dog: Born 1922,1934,1946,1958,1970,1982,1994,2006

The Dog had a great chance to perform last year, and he ended up triumphant. When it comes to the race this year things will slow down a bit, to be successful you need human relations. This year, it’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know. I don’t see much of a problem with your lucky cycle this year. In fact, it’s going to be a relaxing year. You can sit back and take it easy.

Wealth luck is favorable, only the money will come from your career, rather than speculation and gambling. As for health, you will generally be in a good mood this year. Not much to worry about, just enjoy your next year!

Pig: Born 1923,1935,1947,1959,1971,1983,1995,2007

Last year was a great year for socializing and forming great alliances, especially for the Pig women. This year the career luck of the Pig (both men and women) takes a huge leap to the next level, making you a top 3 in terms of overall luck cycle this year.

In your career, you will have the opportunity to be the big boss (if you are not already). He will have subordinates at his beck and call. To make things even better, these subordinates are competent people. They will be able to carry out your orders well. You can expect to achieve your career goals this year, as there will be powerful allies supporting you from above, as well as competent subordinates supporting you from below.

As for wealth, your finances will be in good shape. It’s time to get those material things that you have been eyeing for a long time. With 2 favorable wealth stars behind you, it will be a bountiful year for you.

For your health, there will not be many problems coming from your body, but rather from the emotions. You will be annoyed by backstabbers and arguments in the workplace. You should not be stubborn and listen to the advice of your trusted advisors.

I have reached the end of my article. I wish you all the best in the Metal Rabbit year. If you can’t remember anything in the article, just remember this: No matter how bad things seem, just remember to be thankful for what you have and count your blessings from it. That way, you can attract more good luck.

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