Archetypes are like the software of the psyche. Just like on a computer, there are different programs that we live by and that are useful in different situations, like achieving your goals, being close to someone, etc. Most of the time, people go through their lives seeing the world through the archetypal lens and acting on the way they see the world without even being aware of it.

When the archetypal narratives that individuals have in their lives are not made conscious, those mindsets rule over them and those individuals are prisoners of their own archetypal stories. In addition, for some people the same story or the same type of relationships are repeated over and over again in their lives without them being able to understand what the real triggers of those events and relationships are. It’s as if they live those events over and over again until they get them “right” (in archetypal terms: they learn the lesson of the past, solve the task of the particular archetype, and receive the gift of knowing how to do things). different in the future) and break the cycle.

A study of the archetypes and the role they play in people’s lives is necessary to help individuals know their stories and, knowing them, be able to live them satisfactorily. Life experiences and learning from mistakes finally lead the individual to the awareness of which paths they want to take again and which ones they do not want to travel again. With this understanding, the lives of those individuals gradually begin to improve.

However, using a combination of the theory and application of archetypes in everyday life and the assistance of a coach can significantly accelerate this journey towards living an archetypal story in an individual and client-satisfying way. Also, some of the lessons can be learned without going down the path of pain and suffering.

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