Most of us didn’t learn anything in school that was in tune with everyday life, especially when it comes to life and health. And you ask why? It’s because it just wasn’t taught. Period.

Somewhere, a long time ago, some NON-visionary individual implemented a lifetime of subjects, which MOST people NEVER use, stuffed them into boring, unimaginary classes, and called it school (side note: actually JUST we needed some of these subjects, really).

In someone’s opinion, this was MUCH more meaningful than teaching us ‘how to think using our OWN creative intelligence and how to properly care for our bodies’. So here we are beginning to “get” what is REALLY important!

I said ALL THAT, to say this: “Who told you how important it really is to keep your colon clean and protected from disease?” And I already know the answer. NOBODY!

Our colon is basically the most important part of our entire digestive system. This is where the DISEASE BEGINS, if not taken care of properly.

According to Health Line, your colon is responsible for absorbing nutrients and minerals from the body and absorbing water from the body. It also removes waste. In other words, the colon removes waste from the body.

Your digestive system is your colon, your mouth, your esophagus, your stomach, and your small and large intestines. They are all connected.

If any part of your digestive system isn’t working properly, it means HUGE problems for you, from CONSTIPATION to DIARRHEA, and everything in between.

Most people don’t “give a damn” about their colonists, until they get sick. However, according to Health Line, again, colon problems can include leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, Chron’s disease, diverticulitis, ulcers, and colon cancer, to name a few. People who already have some of these diseases might give you an idea of ​​what they go through every day. You don’t have to let it be you!

So if you have any colon or digestive problems, listen up! Now is the time to educate yourself and become more aware of how to keep your colon and digestive system safe. It is your INTERNAL INSURANCE POLICY that will keep you out of doctor’s offices and hospitals for years to come.


Why is the colon so important? by Toni Schumacher Lund

One day the body met and decided to have a board meeting. This is what happened behind closed doors. There was intense discussion to determine:


The BRAIN was the first to speak. “Without me, nothing would be accomplished.”

Then the HEART spoke. “Without me pumping blood to your brain you couldn’t function.”

The ARMS laughed. “You are both wrong, without me to put food in your mouth, nothing would work.”

LEGS added quickly. “Without me you couldn’t get your food”

The STOMACH said: “Without me, your food would not be digested.”

The LUNGS responded with a bellow: “Without me, you couldn’t breathe.”

EYES blinked, “Without me you couldn’t see.”

The KIDNEYS snorted, “Without me, you couldn’t detox and eliminate.”

COLUMBUS spoke docilely. “I’m important. You need me to remove all the junk from your systems.”

They all laughed and made fun of him. “How can you be as important as us? You’re just a stinking old sewer.”

The poor colon… his feelings were hurt. He turned around and thought, I’ll show them. THE CLOSED!! Then he leaned back and watched what would happen.

The BRAIN was stupefied.

The HEARTbeat was weak.

ARMS and LEGS were weak and could not move.

LUNGS breathing was shallow.

EYES clouded over.

The KIDNEYS stopped working.

Then COLON looked around and decided it was time to call another meeting.

This time it wasn’t too lively, but everyone was in full agreement.



Here are the 6 quick excerpts provided by

one). Get Screened for Colorectal Cancer

2). Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

3). exercise regularly

4). watch your weight

5). do not smoke

6). limit alcohol

Now, for a deeper HOLISTIC (whole body approach) to protect your colon, here are some important things to keep in mind and take action:

Very Well Health, on the internet, says that some very important studies say that to prevent colon problems, the body needs:

one). High levels of vitamin D in the blood. If you don’t know which food provides you with vitamin D, buy a “whole food” vitamin D tablet from a reputable source; NOT vitamin D tablets from a commercial pharmacy. You can also get plenty of vitamin D by sunbathing early in the morning for about 10 minutes or so. Since we have destroyed our own ozone layer, after 9:00 am or 10:00 am the sun is “too hot” and deadlier for sunbathing. That is our society’s fault; It’s not nature’s fault.

2). For colon protection, Very Well Health goes on to say that you need more folate or B vitamins that come from foods like asparagus and spinach. How many times have you eaten asparagus or spinach in the last year? Unless you’re vegan or vegetarian, I bet you haven’t tried any of these things more than once or twice. Just guessing! And if you don’t like these foods, you can drink them. Fresh vegetable juices taste MUCH better than eating them to some people. Also, you get the benefit of them faster (directly into your bloodstream) and they are MUCH easier to digest. Personally, I drink the veggie-packed powder from every day, called Organic Juice Cleanse. It gives you a full day of vitamins and minerals that you never get from having to eat them. I put a big scoop of green powder into a green drink and I’m ready to go. Find a powder with kale, spinach, wheatgrass, greens, spirilina, and the like, that you know is GREAT for you, and “BABY!”

3). Very Well Health says that ‘Quercetin’ also stops the growth of colon cancer. Bet you’ve never heard of this one? It is an antioxidant that you can get in pill form and is found naturally in apples, onions, and berries. Once again, you can drink these things. Homemade smoothies or juices allow you to add MUCH MORE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES that you really love, while getting a full day of supreme vitamins and minerals, plus protecting your colon.

4). White tea and green tea are also excellent for inhibiting colon problems. Their herbal teas, which you can get at health food stores and many commercial stores (these days) are very beneficial for overall health. They are full of antioxidants and go directly into the bloodstream.

5). Very Good Health also mentioned the

  1. Screening B) Healthy Diet C) Exercise and D) Limitation of Alcohol, similar to the Cancer organization.

My MAIN man, Dr. Mercola (who you can Google for his informative articles) says that up to 50% of colon cancer cases can be prevented through a healthy diet, physical activity, and maintaining a healthy weight. 50% guys! He also says that he can optimize his vitamin D levels by eating more vegetables, garlic and fiber and avoiding processed meat, which also reduces colon cancer risks.

Dr. Mercola says that research has found that people who eat red meat have a 24% increased risk of colon cancer. However, he also says that grass-fed beef is much better for you and actually has some cancer-fighting compounds.

Therefore, he recommends that if you do eat meat, stick to ONLY organically raised, rare-cooked, grass-fed meats; not well done, due to carcinogens.

Dr. Mercola says that garlic and turmeric (raw or in pill form) also have many medicinal properties for the colon. In other words, it’s your REAL medicine, without the side effects.

One of the TOP PRODUCTS I recommend for COLON as well as general body health (your INTERNAL INSURANCE POLICY) is GEORGE’S ALOE VERA JUICE. Read a bit about its benefits on my website at, under Articles. Everyone in the family can benefit from George’s Aloe Vera Juice… babies, seniors, parents, students, you name it. No side effects. It tastes like spring water. The ONLY brand I know of that takes away the bitter taste. You only need 2 or 3 caps in the morning and 2 or 3 caps at night before bed. No babies crying at night. No more stomach aches. No more constipation challenges, either. It is a plant from heaven. Aloe Vera Juice is a drink, not to be confused with Aloe Vera Gel, which is used on the outside of the body.

Our bodies are our precious instruments graciously given to us at birth for special care. Being more aware and more active in doing so is a first step. Even if it’s a baby step; it is a step, however. Nobody is telling you to give up everything you love. The suggestions are there to simply help you become more balanced and give yourself more Tender Loving Care (TLC). A little TLC never hurt anyone and TLC for your COLON is a MUST!

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