What is a Kriya?

Kriyas are involuntary movements and reactions of physical and mental purification that result from a heightened spiritual consciousness. Seekers frequently undergo kriyas during their spiritual practices. A disciple who comes in contact with his Guru may feel a sudden elevation of spiritual emotions and ecstasy manifested by uncontrolled physical and mental movements or reactions known as kriyas.

Kriya Features:

  • A Guru’s aura has tremendous vibrational energy, whenever a disciple sits within the range of the Guru’s auric field, their own auric field vibration is raised to a higher dimension and they feel a heightened spiritual consciousness.
  • In order for the higher energy to flow through our channels, we need unobstructed and enlarged nadis. The elevated consciousness that is felt in the presence of the Guru releases the blocks of personal energy necessary for inner purification.
  • The expansion of the energy field and the cleansing of internal impurities can take place on many levels, such as the physical, mental, psychological, emotional and spiritual.
  • Every time this elevated energy runs into a disciple’s internal blockages, it produces kriyas in him. Internal impurities or blockages can be in the form of disease, emotional trauma, narrow or negative beliefs and attitudes, psychospiritual debris from past life karmas, and psychic influences from astral and invisible dimensions.
  • Sometimes the disciple imitates a variety of animal sounds and movements that represent the usual patterns of his previous births.

Kriya Manifestation:

Physical level:

Sensation in the spinal cord, tingling in the body, dizziness or heaviness in the head, clapping, uncoordinated hand movements, rapid movement of the head, rocking from side to side, high vibration in the body, dancing, singing, contortions physical, breath holding, abdomen may become flat and pulled in, chin may press against the lower hollow of the neck on the forehead, burning sensation in the body, sometimes the hands, feet and body will move from certain dance patterns or yogic asanas or postures that the disciple has never done before. Sometimes the disciple may act like a trained gymnast and do strange hand poses or mudras.

Mind level:

In mental Kriyas different patterns of past lives and impressions may arise in consciousness and the seeker may feel emotions of joy, sadness, pain and trance, may feel prana or subtle energy flowing in the brain, sensation of extreme weightlessness or levitation. seeing lights and smelling sweet fragrances.

Emotional level:

Laughing or crying with extreme joy, stupor [marginal consciousness]sweating, piloerection [bristling of body hair]Choked voice, trembling, pallor of complexion, tears and loss of consciousness are some common signs of emotional kriyas felt by a disciple in the presence of the Guru. The disciple can automatically chant mantra or sing devotional songs in front of his Guru,

spiritual level:

In the presence of Guru, the devotee can feel a high level of spiritual advancement and full of spiritual fervor. Devotion, concentration, renunciation and the feeling of super consciousness are common experiences, experienced in the presence of the Guru. Some devotees can see saints, divine entities and heavenly bodies like stars, sun and moon in the presence of their Guru. Some disciples can automatically get answers from their spiritual quarries in front of the Guru in mysterious ways.

Kriya Benefits:

  • Kriyas balance the body, mind and senses by removing impurities, deficiencies and weaknesses.
  • Kriyas that are visible as uncontrolled body movements can signify a great inner healing process. We are not aware of our internal blocks, but the kriyas are constantly working to dissolve these blocks.
  • Physical kriyas remove carbon dioxide from the blood, reactivate brain cells, cleanse the airways, and stimulate the abdominal organs.
  • Kriyas redistribute unbalanced aura energy created by malfunctioning chakras.
  • People who have an attitude of anger, depression and worry may feel a sharp pain in the solar plexus area, nausea and a heavy weight in the chest or a sudden feeling of being hit in the stomach.
  • Different mudras like kriyas pacify and calm the heart chakra.
  • Many kriyas can dissolve the negativity of this karma and past lives.
  • Kriyas are simply the tools of the mysterious and amazing transformation of consciousness.

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