Many of us, including myself, have long believed that fat makes you fat and that a fat-free diet and a low-fat or fat-free diet is a good thing. I guess there’s a fly in that ointment. There is more to him than meets the eye. So why do we need fat and why do we need fat in our diet? I will explain why we need fat.

Am I suggesting that we should eat as much fat as we want as often as we want?

Absolutely not!


The first thing that is important to understand is that all calories are made up of one or more of three components:

  1. carbohydrates
  2. protein
  3. fat

One gram of carbohydrate and one gram of protein each contain 4 calories. One gram of fat contains 9 calories.

As a result, fat has gotten a bad rap over the years and has been considered the outlaw of nutrition.

But wait, there’s more.

Different types

Not all fats are created equal even though they all have the same caloric value. There are 3 types of fat:

  1. Saturated fats, often considered bad fats
  2. Monosaturated – often considered better than saturated
  3. Unsaturated/polyunsaturated, often considered good fats

Do you notice what is missing? Trans fat!

Saturated fat actually falls into two categories:

  1. CIS grease
  2. Trans fat

I won’t go into the details of the previous two, I’ll just say that it has to do with DNA and the chemical composition of fat.

I will also say that both are natural, at least that’s how it started.

The problem is that the trans fats that we have learned to despise, that have become the so-called black sheep and creators of all kinds of health problems, which they are, are artificial and not natural.

Again, I won’t go into the details of that process other than to say that it was created by the hydrogenation process in 1901 by a German chemist who later sold the patent to Proctor & Gamble, who developed the first known oil-containing product. hydrogenated. -Crisco.

So, as a result, it has created a long list of misunderstandings and misuses that have practically given grease a bad reputation.

However, the misunderstanding took on a whole new dimension in the 1980s. Today we are experiencing the consequences of that misunderstanding.

Why do we need fats?

It is a basic component of a balanced diet.

Imagine anything that requires three components to function or perform at optimal levels. What happens if you remove, reduce or alter one of the components?

The best way I know of to explain it is, if our bodies are like an engine, which in a way they are:

  • Carbohydrates (there are also different types of carbs, by the way. Carbohydrates, as they’re known, have also gotten a bad rap) are the fuel we burn and serve as the gasoline that powers the engine.
  • Protein is like the octane in that gasoline and is what gives the gasoline the so-called muscle or increases engine power.
  • Grease is the lubricant that serves as motor oil in our car’s engine.

I realize this is an oversimplified description and there is much more to it, but I hope you get the point.

That said, what if we have too much gas? What if there is too much power for a particular motor? Have you ever seen what happens to an engine that has no oil?

That’s why we need fat. It serves as a lubricant for our system. It aids in digestion and has a purpose. I don’t need to go into details, but it has a purpose.

Do you still need to wonder why we need fat and why do we need fat in our diet or does this help clear it up?

Balance diet

There are charts and theories about what makes a balanced diet. I will not express a strong opinion for or against any of them, nor will I debate the issue. All I will say is that everyone is different and there is no one size fits all. There are many factors to consider.

However, what I believe and what I have been doing for years, and mostly what works for me, is the following ratio of my caloric intake:

  • Carbs: 50-60% (high on certain complex carbs and easy on simple carbs)
  • Protein-10-20% (of all kinds, including meat, dairy, nuts and wherever it comes from)
  • Fat: 30% (closest to the same amount of the 3 types; absolutely no artificial trans fats)

Remember that there are more than twice as many calories in fat as in carbohydrates and protein.

The variations depend on my level of physical activity among other factors.

The important thing is to avoid empty calories and eat as many nutrient-rich foods (minerals and vitamins and others) in optimal amounts as possible.

Also, I try to eat as organic as possible, because I think it’s safer, although it may or may not be more nutritious.

Whichever way you look at it, it’s important to consume the right amount of calories for the amount of calories you burn. The richer the calories, the more bang for your buck, so to speak.

Read labels. Learn what is best for you.

One of my favorites

While I wouldn’t recommend this every day, one of my favorite treats is to cook two (very hard) eggs in olive oil, make a sandwich with two pieces of buttered (real butter) toast (gluten free) with melted cheese on each piece of toast. If I have avocados, I also add half an avocado to it.

The oil that remains in the pan after cooking, I put it on top of the melted cheese.

Yes, it’s a greasy sandwich, but it’s always good!

When I’m done, there’s nothing left but crumbs. I collect the oil that has dripped with the toast.

Move along. Enjoy the fat.

What do you think?

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Why do we need fat and why do we need fat in our diet?

Perhaps you have a better explanation as to why we need fat.

Perhaps you have an opposite view.

I will respond to all questions and comments.

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