Just like when WOTLK came out and introduced the Death Knights, Cataclysm will announce two new races, one of which will be Worgen. Worgen, like death knights, will have their own starting area, Gilneas. Levels 1-15 will need to be completed on Gilneas for those looking to level up a worgen. The challenge of leveling up a worgen will not be your starting area, as the first 15 levels usually arrive in a matter of hours; No, the challenge will be to level up from 16 to 85 in a completely remodeled landscape with all new quests and quest paths. Having prior knowledge of how to do a mission will mean very little.

While there are many new interface options, such as quest tracking and map indicators, that will make leveling up your worgen easier, one of the key elements to leveling up quickly has yet to be discovered by the player. . The most important element in quickly leveling up in Cataclysm will be the quest path that you, as the worgen, choose to take.

A search path is simply the order in which you complete the search. While this may not seem very important, keep in mind that missions in a certain area can often cause you to traverse an entire map by killing mobs and picking up any number of items from the floor. A well-designed search path is essential to level up quickly, as the missions are designed in such a way that you can complete them in the most optimal way possible. Instead of running out of a city, to the outer edge of the map and back to the city again, only to find that your worgen quest giver has decided to send you back to the same place you just came from; With an optimized search path, leveling a worgen is as simple as gathering all the appropriate missions and completing them in a certain order.

Imagine that you come across a whole new city, you’ve never seen any of the quest givers, you don’t know anything about the quest they have or where the quest will take you. You accept the whole mission and then just do them in order. Doing this would be fine, if your goal was to waste time traveling around an area simply checking off missions from a list. Imagine now that you arrive in a city, you know where all the BEST missions are, that is, you know where all the missions are located that are easy to do and give you the most experience. complete those missions, you even know in what order to complete them to optimize your time. That’s the benefit of a search path, and it’s the fastest way to level up a worgen.

Getting a solid search path is something that requires a large investment of time or a small investment of money. There are usually 2 ways to get a suitable search path for Worgen.

1. Research. Obviously this is the cheapest method, as all you need to do is search for missions online, set where those missions send you, optimize your path on your own, and then do this for each zone you are in up to the level. 85 Since worgen are new to world of Warcraft, this may not be the easiest thing to do, but it is a viable option.

2. Buy a road. While this may not appeal to everyone who purchases a search path through a worgen leveling guide, it is the easiest way to access a worgen search path. While there is often a small fee for these leveling guide routes, they are a worthwhile investment for those players who will likely be leveling multiple classes, as the guides cover all classes.

Regardless of how you get a leveling path, be it through a Worgen leveling guide or through your own research, hands down the quickest way to get from level 1 to level 85 will be through quests and that alone will be done. you can optimize by using a well mapped search path.

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