Capturing the heart of a Gemini can be quite hard work. They have dual personalities and can become quite shallow and inconsistent, in addition to the fact that they can become slippery. However, they are very flexible beings and can have multiple talents and resources. They can be great lovers, but it will be quite a challenge. Here are some of their other features, plus surefire ways to get a Gemini to chase you, and get ready for an exciting love life worth waiting for!

However, remember that Geminis tend to be fickle in love and have highly unpredictable emotional natures, so it could be difficult to chase them if you have a very stable personality. They don’t take things seriously but if they do they get totally attached to them so when going after them you have to be great at being patient.

Now how do you get them to chase you instead?

It is easy: Be exactly like a Gemini. Be relaxed, detached, and unpredictable, and this will make them feel like their world doesn’t revolve around them. They are fascinated by intrigue and stimulation but also highly value their freedom. They love to be chased, so act like you want to be chased too. Don’t give in to their every whim, on the contrary, project an aura of independence and you can even add an air of haughtiness as well. Geminis can be a bit of a brat and it won’t hurt if you try to be like a brat yourself. It’s time to sharpen your brain power. Geminis love mind games and can be quite intelligent and will engage you in a battle of wits.

However, be careful, because people under this sign are two-faced and it works for them. Some may seem totally sensitive today, but will be hostile to sentimentality tomorrow. They may be in love with you yesterday and then treat you like a complete stranger next week. Don’t worry. That happens when a Gemini is not yet ready to prioritize her feelings. Be lighthearted, calm down, and flirt a bit — eventually, if she’s lucky, she’ll fall in love and finally take you seriously.

If you want to learn more about how to make a Gemini chase you (and that in other zodiac signs too), feel free to visit my website for the chance to access more of my tactics and methods on love, life , dating and seduction. .

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