Can coffee beans be brain food? Clinical studies show that coffee can help prevent certain types of diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and some types of cancer. But can healthy coffee also benefit your mind? Yes, and here are some of the ways it can benefit your skull:

1. Contains antioxidants.

An antioxidant is a molecule that helps prevent other molecules from undergoing oxidation. That’s because the oxidation process can result in the production of “free radicals.” And those free radicals can trigger chain reactions that can lead to cell damage in our bodies. The problem is that our brains are particularly vulnerable to damage that results from oxidation. That’s due to several factors, such as your incredibly high metabolic rate. This is the reason why various types of brain injuries are treated with antioxidants.

So by drinking healthy coffee, you can actually help keep your brain healthy and prevent damage to it. You may be surprised to learn that coffee is actually the number one source of antioxidants in a typical American diet!

2. It can prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Several studies seem to indicate that drinking java may help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. But it gets even more interesting! It turns out that you would need to drink about five cups a day to maximize your protection against illness. While the five cups a day regimen may seem excessive, many coffee drinkers consume that amount of coffee regularly. So it’s definitely possible.

3. It can improve your focus.

Another brain benefit of healthy coffee is that drinking a moderate amount seems to improve concentration levels. The operative word here is “moderate,” which should translate to one to two cups a day. In a recent study conducted at Pennsylvania State University, researchers found that drinking one to two cups of coffee a day can improve your concentration and memory. On the other hand, those who drank a minimum of four cups of coffee a day actually had poorer memories.

4. Contains important vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

When we think of coffee, we tend to focus on caffeine. That’s understandable, as caffeine consumed in excess can create a number of health problems. But in fact, the little coffee bean contains several powerful vitamins and minerals (Vitamin B3), which are crucial for our well-being. Another important component in the coffee bean are amino acids. These substances occur naturally in our bodies and are contained in proteins. Our bodies transform the amino acids in our food into a certain type of neurotransmitter within our brains.

So the next time you need to choose a drink, consider that coffee is good for both the body and the brain. It should definitely be something to think about!

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