Exercise is a must, even more so when you are determined to lose weight. For a workout that gives you quick results, try a running weight loss exercise. Not only is it easy, but you can do it almost anywhere and even choose your own pace. Exercising to lose weight is an excellent high intensity cardiovascular exercise that works several muscle groups and speeds up your metabolism.

1. Improve your exercise with a good run. Walking is good exercise. But in the same way that you need to intensify your walk to burn more calories, you need to increase the pace of your walk to get more out of your cardio. A 15 minute run would be a good starting point.

2. Heat and cool. It is important to remember when choosing to perform a weight loss exercise to warm up before running and cool down afterwards. Start with a walk, working out a brisk walk, then slow jogging to a moderate jog. After your run, cool down and go backwards, going from a moderate jog to a walk before coming to a complete stop.

3. Run regularly. The minimum frequency for running would be 3-4 times per week to see and maintain results. Calories burned differ based on running intensity, but a good estimate would be 100 calories burned per mile. Gradually work 25 to 30 miles per week, increasing your mileage by 10% weekly until you reach your goal.

4. Substitute for the slow stroke. One way to vary your running weight loss regimen is to do a slow run for 90 minutes once or twice a week. At this point, your body will begin to burn stored fat instead of carbohydrates for energy.

5. Expand with the run interval. Interval running is another way to add variety to your running training. Just do a brisk run or sprint for 10 seconds and then slow down to a 10-second walk. Do 10 sets of this for a quick running weight loss exercise.

6. Step up with the uphill run. The more effort you put in, the more calories you burn. Intensify your training by running uphill, but choose an easy incline that you can sustain. A general rule of thumb for counting calories burned is that for every degree of incline, you burn 10% more calories than when running on a flat surface.

7. Record your heart rate. To get into the fat burning zone, you need to run at your aerobic max (calculate this by subtracting your age from 180). Wear a heart rate monitor to record your actual intensity level. You don’t want to overdo your weight loss exercise, nor do you want to fall below your optimum level.

Cardiovascular workouts, like weight loss exercises, are the best option to lose those fats, fast and forever. It is a routine that you can easily fit into your daily schedule. However, this high intensity calorie burner is not recommended for people with weak or problem knee joints to do so regularly, and is best limited to walking. Still, a slow, low-impact jog now and then can’t hurt.

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