CEUs For Nurses

The CEUs that nursing professionals earn to maintain their licenses are called continuing education units (CEUs). This type of continuing education is required to maintain licensure in every state, including the Nursing Licensure Compact. While most nursing CEUs are free, some are accredited, which means that the course must meet a certain standard. Moreover, nursing CEUs are required for revalidation if you are practicing in another state.

There are many accredited nurse education providers. Many hospitals offer free continuing education for their nurses. However, each state’s nursing board has specific criteria for granting CEUs for Nurses. Depending on your state, it is important to check which courses provide the necessary contact hours. To avoid missing CE requirements, make sure to find an accredited course online. You’ll be glad you did. Just make sure to read the course description carefully.

After you complete the course, make sure to collect your CEU certificates in hard copy. You’ll need them as you take additional classes. Once you’ve collected them, find a system to keep them organized. For example, if you’re licensed as of July 15, 2010, you’ll have until December 31, 2013 to complete the course. If you’re licensed on or after July 15, 2010, you’ll need to earn two contact hours of HIV/AIDS CE.

CEUs For Nurses – How to Find Accredited CEUs For Nurses

The American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC) recognizes the importance of nursing continuing professional development. By accrediting programs, ANCC-accredited organizations help nurses advance their careers. Accrediting organizations also promote high-quality nursing continuing education. That means that nursing CPE providers must meet the standards of ANCC. These organizations are responsible for delivering high-quality education to nurses.

If you want to earn CE credits as a nurse, make sure you find ANCC-accredited courses. The American Nurses Credentialing Center is the leading national body that evaluates continuing education. ANCC-approved courses are recognized by many organizations. The Florida Board of Nursing and the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation both recognize ANCC-accredited courses.

An RN who has been practicing for five years must earn at least 5 contact hours of nursing CEs to maintain their license. To stay in good standing, an RN must earn a total of eighteen hours of continuing education. To obtain a renewal certificate, an RN must attend continuing education courses approved by the Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission. For continuing education in nursing, the ANCC has approved courses on HIV/AIDS, domestic violence, and mental health.

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