When it comes to health issues, men should be on the lookout for prostate cancer more than anything else. Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer diagnosed in men and the second leading cause of death after lung cancer. What makes it extremely dangerous is the fact that most men discover it when they have nothing to do. That is why men have to go to the doctor and get tested when the smallest symptoms appear.


It is not common for prostate cancer to spread to the bones. This is why many men complain of bone pain. There are other cases where patients can develop spinal cord impingement due to epidural spread of the disease. From this moment on, it is inevitable that pain or neurological damage will occur, depending on the area where the spinal cord injury is located. Not to mention other side effects, such as loss of bowel function, loss of bladder function, ability to walk, etc.


Also known as a silent killer, prostate cancer takes people by surprise because it doesn’t reveal precise symptoms. The symptoms that one may feel are very similar to those that describe prostate infections. These inconclusive features are what can make prostate cancer more difficult to diagnose. A good idea would be to visit your GP or a specialist at the first signs that something is wrong or on a regular basis.

precise signals

Among the signs that may indicate prostate cancer, we must mention: blood in the urine (can be seen with the naked eye or microscopically), pain when urinating, swelling, weight loss, inability to urinate, etc. However, symptoms may not always show, so diagnosis usually happens by accident.


Genetics play a very important role in the evolution of cancer. Thus, if a man has a father or a brother who has suffered from this disease, the chances of developing it are doubled. But this can be seen as half-good news, because by studying a man’s genome, specialists can predict the right kind of treatment and medication.
Regular walking at a brisk pace can help with prostate cancer. For example, cancer stagnation has been observed in men who have regularly walked at a constant speed of 3 miles/hour (or even more) for a minimum of 3 hours/week.


Treatment depends on the size of the tumor, the resistance of the body, and many other factors. It is important to think and act quickly in situations of this type, trying all possible solutions. Side effects are often similar to those of radiation therapy. However, several patients have reported that with proton therapy, the side effects are less violent. Subsequently, another vital step is therapy to restore erectile function. However, complete success is not always guaranteed.

Cancer can definitely be a scary word. But it is important to remain optimistic and think about the fact that, if caught early, treatment can be 100 percent successful.

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