Here you will learn a few things about Wisconsin search engine ranking and optimization for all your Wisconsin related keywords.

In this article we assume that you have already identified the most profitable keywords for Wisconsin.

If you haven’t yet chosen the phrases you want to rank high in search engine rankings for, you can learn how in other articles in this series.

Now on to the Wisconsin optimization improvement lesson:

When writing your Wisconsin content articles, always include your main Wisconsin keyword in the site title. You can do this once or twice as search engine algorithms change over time.

I also add it once or twice to vary the language more.

Include the phrase you want to rank high for in your H1 tag, as well as in the opening paragraph in the main body.

For body copy, I never stick with the same keyword density, because I don’t think the major engines find this behavior very natural. We always want it to be natural, interesting and on-topic for the search engines and most of all for your visitors.

When working on your search engine ranking and optimization for Wisconsin, you may also want to put your keyword phrase in the last paragraph.

I do it often, but not always.

The most important thing about ranking in search engines for your Wisconsin site is to keep the language and subject matter interesting to your visitor.

Do this and you should be fine and at the top of the search engine rankings.

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