Alcohol flows through membranes throughout the body, eventually reaching the bloodstream. Which carries alcohol to almost every organ in your body.

Multiple factors affect the amount of ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase) your body produces. for example, ethnicity and gender. Caucasians tend to produce more ADH than Asians, Native Americans, and Eskimos. Also, women produce less ADH than men.

This means that more unmetabolized alcohol flows from the stomach into the bloodstream. As a result, they get drunk on even a small amount of alcohol.

Once the alcohol has passed through the stomach, it goes into the bloodstream and then into the small intestine.

Most of the alcohol that people drink is absorbed in the small intestine. From here, it makes its way through a large blood vessel to the liver.

Alcohol is metabolized in the liver. A gastric ADH-like enzyme helps to accomplish this. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) converts this into energy. It converts glucose from carbohydrates into energy. During this process, the conversion of glucose stops suddenly. A healthy liver can process half an ounce of pure alcohol in one hour. The remaining alcohol flows into your heart.

When alcohol enters your heart, the alcohol slows down the contraction in your heart. Slightly less blood is pumped throughout the body. The vessels begin to relax and, temporarily, the blood pressure drops. The heart soon returns to normal. However, the vessels remain relaxed, and blood pressure can remain low for up to half an hour.

The alcohol then flows into the lungs through the pulmonary vein. Every time you take a breath, some alcohol is released into your breath. The blood is slightly oxygenated but remains charged with alcohol. It flows back to your heart through the pulmonary artery. Then up and out of the aorta.

High-density lipoprotein levels rise. Unfortunately, not necessarily the good ones that release cholesterol from the body. However, alcohol temporarily prevents blood from clotting. Reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Alcohol causes the blood vessels to expand, increasing the amount of blood that rises to the skin. Making you feel warmer and maybe even making your skin look rosy. The alcohol is released as you sweat. People may even be able to smell alcohol.

When the alcohol finally reaches your brain, the transmission of impulses between nerve cells slows down. This causes well-known side effects such as poor judgment, slurred speech, and blurred vision.

The reduction of antidiuretic hormones is a negative consequence. Because these hormones prevent you from producing too much urine. Subsequently, loss of vitamins, fluids, and minerals is common. In addition to being very thirsty.

The full cycle will continue as long as you have alcohol in your bloodstream. Or in other words, enough alcohol for your liver to make enough ADH. What metabolizes alcohol in your body.

What does this have to do with driving under the influence of alcohol?

Each one is different and has different characteristics. For example, weight, age, sex, metabolism, type of alcohol consumed, concentration of alcohol drunk, food consumed, and mood. As such, alcohol settles in everyone’s body differently. For example, a tall, heavy person is likely to process alcohol faster than a shorter, thinner person.

How can we check the amount of alcohol in our body?

The only way we can check the amount of alcohol in our body, and therefore our fitness to drive, is by using a breathalyzer. At the Drink and Drive Safe site, we stock a variety of breathalyzers or a variety of budgets. From a basic single use breathalyzer at £2.99 to a more advanced fuel cell version at £249.99.

Why is it important to take a breathalyzer test?

A small amount of alcohol can affect your ability to drive. So we recommend that if you are going to drive, do not drink anything. However, we understand that some people enjoy a drink regardless. Irreversible changes can occur in your life if you are found to be over the limit. For example, losing your job. You may even face a prison sentence.

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