So, would you like to know how to make your own talisman / lucky charm? The process may take a while, but it can bring wonderful results. I explain, step by step, how to make your own.

1. Decide what to use as a “physical base”. It can be a piece of jewelry that you plan to wear for good luck, a rabbit’s foot, a four-leaf clover that you carry with you, a gemstone, etc. Meteorite pieces work wonders considering you would be wearing something that is truly “otherworldly.” It would be considered “otherworldly” both physically and magically (after charging). Whatever you choose for your “physical base,” make sure it’s something that you have a connection to and that you find easy to transport.

2. After choosing the physical basis for your amulet, take a few minutes to meditate and/or pray about it. Hold it in your hands as you focus and ask your higher self/God/or Spirit Guides to help you bless it.

3. Start to “raise your vibrations” while holding it in your hand or wearing it (if it is jewelry). Make sure to do something positive and fun for at least 20 minutes at a time every day for a week. Make sure the “physical base” is physically touching you as you do this. You can dance, laugh, sing, meditate, etc. as long as you’re doing something that makes you feel happy. Also make sure to wear your favorite clothes while doing this. Visualize the happy/positive energy you are creating going into the physical base.

4. If you feel negative, upset, sad, angry or any BAD FEELING, MAKE SURE NOT TO MOVE AWAY FROM THE PHYSICAL BASE! ONLY come when you are in a good mood. You may contaminate it if you touch it while sitting or being negative. That’s the last thing you want.

5. Make sure you go through the elements at least once during the creation process. Pass it through the smoke of the incense, around the flame of a candle, a little water and earth. Also don’t forget to meditate/pray to your God or Spirit Guides to ask for blessings from him. They will help with the spiritual element of creating your talisman/amulet.

6. If you were successful with all 5 steps above and consistently adding positive energy for at least 20 minutes a day, after a week you should be good to go. Carry it or take it with you wherever you go. Whenever you feel like you need a burst of positive energy or good luck, press it against your heart and visualize the positive energy calming you down. By then, it should be strong enough and filled with enough positive energy to help you when you’re feeling down, and you’ll be less likely to “pollute” it. However, it would be a good idea to occasionally “recharge” it with more positive energy and repeat steps 2-5 again. However, you don’t have to recharge often, just when you feel like you’re getting “weak” to help you out.

Some wizards/witches/occultists even go so far as to name their talismans. It gives you more connection with the energies. “Lend me your strength, _____” It is up to you whether you wish to name yours or not. Just be very careful during the creation process, even if you ONLY store energy in it while you are in a good mood. If you make it strong enough, it will help balance your bad mood later when you feel negative, as well as bring you better luck.

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