Your wife will be totally blown away and will have a deeper love for you after this delicious and easy-to-prepare meal. Along with tips on how to make the evening perfect, this is a must read for any good husband.

Arrange a time when your wife is out so you have time to prepare. Or send her on an adventure or, better yet, save her for a massage and facial, just because she deserves it!

Once you’re in the kitchen, be prepared to work quickly to get everything ready for her return. Use your own recipe or follow the instructions below to cook this beautiful and easy meal that will really impress her.

In his time while things are cooking, he must set the table for dinner. You will need to have;

• A tablecloth
• Candles
• Plates, cutlery, napkins, salt and pepper
• A single rose on your plate
• Cups

Make sure the setting is appropriate and impressive. Check things like;

• The area is tidy
• Soft music playback
• Lights dim
• Your bed is made with clean sheets
• There is ice
• Wine or other beverages are chilled
• Cold drinking water is available

Make sure that when your wife comes home you are there;

• In dining clothes
• Kiss her passionately
• Greet her with flowers
• Pulls her chair out from the table
• For her a drink

You are going to treat your wife to a 3-course home-cooked meal. The first course is Entree. You’re going to make a shrimp cocktail. You will need to;

• 12 large cooked prawns, peeled and with the tail on
• 2 lemon slices
• 6 lettuce leaves
• Seafood sauce
• 1 chopped tomato
• ¼ cucumber diced

Arrange lettuce in 2 small bowls; put the prawns in the bowls with the tails hanging over the edge. Mix the tomato and cucumber and put in the center of the bowl.
Place a lemon wedge in each bowl.
Spoon sauce into two separate sauce bowls and serve separately.
You can pop this in the fridge and it’s ready to go.

15 to 20 minutes after serving the main course, you will be ready to serve the main course. The main course he will serve is chicken breast wrapped in avocado and prosciutto. Sounds good, doesn’t it? And it’s easy to cook too! You will need to;

• 2 chicken breasts
• 4 pieces of ham
• ½ avocado
• 4 pieces of broccolini
• 12 baby carrots

A white sauce is served very well with this dish, if you want to buy a packaged one, they are available, and if you want to make your own, this is how. Will need;

• 600 ml of milk
• 2 butter spoons
• 2 tablespoons of plain flour or cornstarch
• 1 cup of chopped parsley

You will first cook the chicken breast in the oven for 20 minutes.
Then take out the breast and wrap 2 pieces of prosciutto around each breast.
Return to the oven for 10 minutes.
Steam broccolini and baby carrots until firm.
Slice the avocado.
Arrange chicken breast on plate and sliced ​​avocado leaning against chicken.
The broccolini and carrots go on the other side of the chicken.
To make the sauce, heat most of the milk and butter.
Use the remaining milk to mix about 3-4 tablespoons of flour into a paste.
Whisk or use a fork to remove any lumps.
When the milk is hot, but not boiling, pour in the pasta and stir continuously.
Season with salt, pepper and parsley. Have the white sauce in a separate serving dish to pour over yourselves.

About ½ hour after the main course is a good time to serve dessert. Your dessert is called Berrylicious. Will need;

• 600 ml of prepared custard
• 2 cups mixed berries (frozen is fine)
• 4 strawberries
• 300 ml of heavy cream
• 1 bar of chocolate flakes

You will need 2 tall glasses, wine or champagne glasses will do.
Place the custard in the bottom of the glass up to 1/3 of its capacity.
Then spoon the berries on top of the custard until almost full.
Whip the cream so that it is very thick and put it on top of the berries.
Chocolate flakes on top of the cream and then add the strawberries on top.
This can be made ahead of time and refrigerated until dessert time.

During your meals it is a good idea to remember tips such as;

• Talk and listen when your wife speaks.
• Clean the dishes between meals, it’s not their job, it’s yours
• Refill your drink as needed
• Make sure the television is not on at any time
• Put away phones

Your wife will be very impressed by the effort you have put into cooking her dinner and giving her a relaxing and wonderful experience.
Enjoy your night and remember to do this more often for a truly wonderful marriage.

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