There are many products that teach you how to get perfect abs. These are some of the myths that are taught.

1 You get abs doing abdominal exercises

There is a layer of fat that covers your abs. When you remove that fat that covers your abs you have abs. To shed fat so you can see the abs you already have you have to eat less and do more cardio.

2 You can get six pack abs in just 8 minutes a day.

If it were that easy, not everyone would have visible abs. You have to remove the fat that covers the abs. Get rid of body fat by doing more cardio and eating less.

3. You can do localized fat removal.

Localized fat removal cannot be done. You do more cardio and eat less and your body decides where the fat is going to come from. Generally, the midsection is the first area to store fat and the last area to lose fat. So you generally have to be on the skinny side for your abs to show. As your body fat decreases, eventually the weight will come off your midsection.

4. To have abs you have to buy something.

Wrong! If getting abs was as easy as buying something, everyone would have them. Many expensive schemes are based on the idea that you can get visible results with minimal effort. Lots of pills, newsletters and books claiming there is an easy way to get six pack abs.

You need to do cardio and eat less to shed fat so you can see your abs.

5. You have to do special exercises to get well defined abs.

There are no special exercises to get abs. All you have to do is remove the body fat that is above your abs and you will see your abs well defined. All you can do is reduce your overall body fat through cardio and eating less and eventually the fat will be gone.

6. Getting abs requires long and exhausting exercises.

Running or cycling is a bet option to burn body fat. Abdominal exercises are not cardiovascular exercises. Cardio is raising your heart rate into the weight loss zone. You have to take a big muscle like your quads and legs and do something like jogging, running or biking. I’m not saying that abdominal exercises are a waste of time, no. But to build ripped abs you need to do cardio and eat less. One reason to do abdominal exercises is to help support your back. Another reason to do abdominal exercises is to improve athletic performance. Having a strong core (abs) will help you perform better in almost all sports.

So, to get ripped abs, you need to reduce your fat by eating less and doing more cardio.

I have prepared a simple and easy 21-day trial program for you. Is that how it works…

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