If you’re selling anything online, especially if you’re selling information products, I’m sure you know how important it is to use the right words. It is the words that sell online and not the appearance of your website.

You can have a flashy website, but if you don’t use the right words, your products won’t sell. Granted, it’s nice to have a decent clean website, but more emphasis should be placed on the words on your sales page.

Here are three (3) words you should never use on your sales page. If you’re already using them, you probably don’t know they’re hurting your sales. I strongly recommend that you remove them and replace them with more effective words.


If you sell information products, it might be tempting to use the word learn in your sales letter. Please no. When you tell people to learn, you instantly remind them of the four walls of a classroom. Nobody wants to remember school. What people are looking for is a fun way to “learn” so it doesn’t remind them of school.

Instead of using the word learn, use “discover”. When you say discover, it sounds more adventurous and it also represents a kind of exclusivity about the information you want to sell them.


Even though people shop online every day, no one really likes the feeling of putting money in someone else’s pocket. Remembering them can only make things worse and ultimately hurt your sales.

Don’t use the word buy in your sales letter, use “invest” instead. Telling your prospects to invest will make them feel more relaxed about giving you their money. Another word you can use is “order”


Using the word please in your sales letter connotes desperation. It portrays your product as a slow-moving product and you simply want your prospects to swallow it. Being polite just doesn’t work here.

Do not use it. And there is no replacement for that. So instead of saying “Click here to order,” just say “Click here to order.”

Replace those words on your sales page and your conversion rates will skyrocket. Which I’m sure will put a smile on your face.

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