causes of truck accidents

Trucking accidents can be devastating, and the victims of such incidents are often seriously injured. In addition to physical injuries, many truck accident victims suffer from psychological and emotional trauma, as well.

Some of the common causes of truck accident include driver error, weather conditions, and poor maintenance of the vehicles. Inexperienced drivers, improper loading and securing of cargo, and drug or alcohol use by on-duty drivers are also contributing factors to these crashes.

Commercial trucking drivers are often inexperienced and have to rely on others for assistance, so they are less likely to be familiar with the road and traffic conditions. This makes them more prone to committing errors that can cause serious accidents, such as speeding and failing to obey highway rules.

What are some common causes of truck accidents?

Because of the large size of trucks, distracted driving can be dangerous for both the truck drivers and passengers in passenger cars. Texting or talking on the phone while driving, for example, can lead to serious accidents, including those that are fatal.

The long distances and heavy loads that truckers carry on their routes cause significant wear and tear on their tires, increasing the risk of a blowout that can cause an accident or worse. This is a major contributing factor to truck accidents, and it is important for drivers to perform pre-trip inspections of their trucks’ tires, as well as to have their trucks regularly maintained by skilled mechanics.

The unique design of commercial truck trailers and tractor-trailers means that they can often sway, causing the vehicles to become unstable. This makes it easy for the trailer to jackknife, which may cause the trailer and truck to strike nearby vehicles. This type of crash is particularly deadly as the trailer may strike a passing vehicle, potentially causing it to fall on top of the other car or occupants.

Another leading cause of truck accidents is defective or damaged parts on the vehicle. This can be from the truck’s design, or from the trailer itself. If the vehicle has a defect, such as a broken mirror or a defective brake, the driver and the company can be held responsible for the accident.

Despite the strict regulations that govern the trucking industry, some companies fail to load or secure their cargo correctly. This can lead to accidents when the cargo falls out of the truck or strays off the side. Intoxication is a huge factor in a wide variety of motor vehicle accidents, but it is especially prevalent among truck drivers. This is because they are required to be in their work vehicles for long periods of time, and they are under pressure to meet tight delivery schedules.

In addition, many trucking companies cut corners on safety and hire unfit drivers, which then leads to crashes that result in injuries and even death. A recent report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that there are more than 500 trucking companies that were shut down for violations that have re-opened under a new name and continue to operate unsafely.

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